
Mulai dari awal

I apologise to Krishneya_Bhanu, as I included my warning here, however I thought this would suit below my chosen major. I hope you don't mind it.

-When did you start writing?

Oh!! That was when I was very young. To be honest,I always enjoyed creating my own stories. Let me tell you a secret, When I was 8 or 9 years old, I used to tell my friends a lot of stories (my own) but never once disclosed that it was my very own imagination. Yeah to this day, they are thinking those stories they praised are from a book I read.
*smiling sheepishly*

The first time I properly penned down my thoughts was when I was 11 years old, I wrote my first ever book, which is still in my Diary. I will definitely publish it in Wattpad, ofcourse when the time comes.

Before that I used to simply write anywhere and everywhere, without titles.

-How did you get this amazing idea of creating a character like Adhvika Mahajan?

This is a very interesting story on its own. I will inform about Adhvi's birth history after the completion of this book. Before the sequel.
It is a big one!! So be prepared to listen to my rant at the end.
*grinning from ear to ear*

-Which chapter is your favourite?

I am being biased now, I love every single chapter of Bound to happen. Even the ones they are yet to come out. So in short I love my Book  (totally biased)
*chuckling delightfully*

-Who is your favourite character in Mahabharata and why?

Okay so my favourite character has been varying since the time I came to know about Mahabharata.

I will give you a brief one, on who was my favourite from time to time.

So at first it was Narottam Arjun. He quickly stole my mind and heart. Can you blame me?

Then after a year or so it was Suryaputra Karn, I mean why not?

Next was the one and only Ajātashatru, Dharmaraj Yudhishthir. He was my favourite for quite a long period of time.

Recently I have no particular favourites at all. Because as a writer, I have been trying to get in every single character's situation or circumstances to make my writing better and more heart touching.

So currently no favourites at all. I am viewing all the characters without the lense of prejudice.
Yep that's all.

Now this definitely doesn't mean that I am supporting any of the heinous acts or horrendous things committed by some Characters, neither am I justifying their acts. What's wrong is wrong and will always be wrong.

I am simply not picking favourites that's it.

Okay, now I am ranting!! So I'll stop.

I hope that you are happy with my answer!!

-Which chapter got the most likes and comments?

Well the part which got the most votes cannot be called as Chapter as it is the Prologue. It has 82 Votes.
If you are asking me about a particular chapter then . Chapter 1 has 81 votes. The most voted chapter till now.

Chapter 35 (a) has the most comments so far. It has total 400+ comments!!!


Bound to happenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang