32 Faolan

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Oh, my gods the food was to die for. I smacked my lips on the flavor of the steak. I quickly leaned over, juices narrowly missing my white suit. I took a swing of the bubbly alcohol and continued feasting. Everyone had run off dancing or playing in the alcoves. They had been my idea. I wanted a place for people to go for some privacy. I wouldn't be participating, but I knew that if it was me, that's what I would want. I noticed that Garren had followed Taury into the once nearby. He had been gunning for her for so long and she had no idea. The tension between them made me sweat. Garren was on top of her now. Oh, my gods do it. He snapped his fingers and drenched them in darkness. I whined at missing the show and threw my food down in a fit.

I just wanted to dance with him. I refused to acknowledge his name, or I would begin spiraling again. Dancing wasn't an option. Tarsen had long since stopped caring about genders and preferences. No, the issue was with him. For what ever reason he hid himself. I hadn't been sure until the Night of Nix when he caught me. My heart pounded just thinking about that night. We had been flirting and dancing around each other for months. I had had my eyes on Jiaxin too for a while, but as wonderful as he was, he just didn't do it for me. There was only one I wanted. After he gave me a taste of himself, I knew there would never be another. I swallowed the rest of my drink and slouched in my chair.

My sweet Nik was dancing with Dath. He looked at her like she was a beautiful piece of jewelry. I didn't dislike the guy, but I could tell it would never work. He was too clingy and self-deprecating. She needed some one confident enough to let her be her own person, and a strong enough to handle her genius mind. She was always going on about Sera's problem-solving skills, and she had no idea just how smart she herself was. Dath leaned forward and whispered something in her ear. Ugh I couldn't watch it. The torture of him trying too hard with her. My girl was over it and was too nice to tell him.

I searched for Alden. He was watching them from across the room. This had gone on long enough. I walked up to him. "Get over there and relieve her of her misery." I pointed a finger to the dancing couple. Alden chuckled and took a swig of his drink then peered at me.

"Oh. I plan to. I'm going to wait for them to kiss though. Watch."

Sure, enough Dath leaned forward and kissed her chastely, like she may break.

"She needed to choose for herself. And I sure as Hells wasn't going to take yet another choice from her. That's happened too many times don't you think?"

I nodded. I wasn't sure what had happened between them, but it was clear that whatever they both felt never went away. Alden stood there watch the as the song went on. Nik was being so polite with Dath regardless of her clear cringe from the kiss seconds before.

"What happened between you two?" I finally asked aloud.

Alden sighed and placed his drink on the ice table next to us.

"I fucked things up. I told her something and she didn't believe me." He looked down and tapped the heal of his shoe against the floor. His face changed as if deciding something. "My father hurts me like hers hurts her." I sucked in a quick breath at the admittance. "She didn't believe me though. My father has been kind to her and offered her a job as teacher after we finish university. He's, her mentor. So, she took it as me wanting to steal the opportunity from her. Really, I just wanted to show her I understood. That and, my father can't be trusted."

I believed him. I believed him over my best friend's assumptions, and it broke my heart. We had to help Nik.

"What if we try to expose your father?"

"Not going to happen. He plays the long game. He has Rion the most trained." Alden turned to me, tears in his eyes.

"You can't let him break Evander, Faolan. I know you care for him, more than you let on. Dad will try to stop it. He doesn't like relationships that don't contribute to society. Evander is giving all he has to give right now. Be patient with him."

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