" You should go to the nurse." Said Samuel

" No !! I want to hear everything he has to say " said Sara

" You told Sara that you are the reason for all of this. What do you mean by that ?" Asked Caitlin

Wayne took a deep breath and said " Yes, I'm telling you the truth. I'm responsible for all of it. "

" Care to explain ? " Asked Samuel

" I will !! But not now...The camp is in danger. It's important that you trust me on this. You must close every entrance to the camp." Said Wayne

" Why ? We are done playing games. Is this another trick of yours ? " Asked Samuel

" At the crash site, I warned you that Sara and Rayley were in danger. But you didn't take me seriously. If I wasted one more minute, they wouldn't have been alive. So when I'm saying that you are in danger. I MEAN IT " Said Wayne

" What do you want us to do ? " Asked Caitlin.

" Nothing, do nothing. Nobody goes out until I say so. " Said Wayne

" This is bullshit... Now you are giving us orders ? " Said Sara

" What do you know about those things ? " Asked Wayne

" Well... We do not know where it comes from and where it goes. When night falls it comes and disappear in the morning. We never seen one during the day, till now " said Caitlin

"They kill everything they see, every living thing. They are attracted to both light and motion and they can't hear us. It's not killing because it's hungry. They don't eat their prey." She continued

" Thats all ? " asked Wayne

" What do you know about them that we don't " asked Caitlin

" I don't want to argue about it any longer.They can attack not only at night but also in the day time. I don't know where they come from . They came here through portals. They attack every living thing. Now close the entrances. " Wayne said that all in one breath

" Portals ? " asked Caitlin

" Yeah, it's hard to believe but it's true. They can create portals from one world to another " said Wayne

" So they are not from earth ? " Asked Ashton

" No they are not. They are probably from a different galaxy . They are part of a bigger plan.And they won't stop until every living thing is dead." Replied Wayne

Everyone was starting at one another, they didn't believe a word he was saying

" If you think that life exists only on earth then you are mistaken. There are thousands of planets with life in it. However, these things have wiped out the majority of them. " Said Wayne

" They are called ZHAXELONS " He continued

" Zhaxelons? " Asked Ashton

" Yeah... I don't know who gave that name, so don't ask me about it. " Wayne told Ashton

" They go from planets to planets and kill everything on the way. " Said Wayne

" At daytime they go under water, very deep. " he pointed his fingers to the sky. " Although we can't see it with our naked eyes, there is a large spaceship there. They possess a cloaking mechanism of some kind. That ship release countless monsters everyday around the globe. " Said Wayne

End Of The Beginningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें