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"So... How was it?" Sunghoon smiled as he put his cup of coffee on the table.

"How was what?" Jake asked.

"I mean... How did it feel? When your dad killed your best friend in front of you?" Sunghoon laughed wondering why is Jake acting so dumb.


"No seriously, how was it? Leaving your best friend behind to die?" He laughed.

"Shut up..." That's all Jake could say. He was being questioned about his worst nightmare. Something he couldn't get over even after all these years.

"You're really sensitive. Then how did you choose your father's image over your best friend's life?" Sunghoon laughed again. He knew he was rubbing it a lot. It was fun.

"Is this what you called me here for?" Jake asked as he didn't know what else to do. Reply? But what would he say?

"Not really... I was just having fun," he smiled. "Your wife is having so much fun so I thought I could too," he said.

"Can you stop playing around?"

"No, no. It's not me who's playing around," he said, shaking his head. "Your wife is."


"But before that... Did you know about your wife's relationship 6 years ago?" He asked but Jake didn't respond. Sunghoon just scoffed and continued anyway.

"They were inseparable. Everyone here knew about it. Doesn't she hesitate going out? Doesn't she hate the idea of people seeing her?"

She did... Jake knew it too but he didn't realise it till now. It wasn't something he gave much thought to because Sophie was allowed to do whatever she wanted.

"So what? We weren't married. She didn't know me and it's all in the past. Why would I care about a man who's not in her life anymore?" He frowned. He didn't like the idea of his wife being discussed but the conversation just won't stop. Sunghoon kept dragging it on.

"Of course, but what about now?" He pursed his lips in to a thin line. "Your wife... She's having an affair," Sunghoon laughed.

"No, she isn't," he said clenching his fist. He wanted to leave as he could no longer control his urge to punch that face of Sunghoon's.

"Okay then I'll tell you what she did," he got up.

"She kissed another man, at the welcome party," Sunghoon pouted while shaking his head. "Sad no."

"She's told me already. So you can shut up about it." She hadn't told him everything but she did ask for forgiveness already.

"But... Shouldn't you at least know who it was?" Sunghoon looked at Jake who stared back at the man.

"I think you want to know... You can go to LiT-Tle Coffee. He'll be there," Sunghoon informed the man while opening the office's door for him.

Jake looked at him for a moment, it was despicable. He wanted to kill the man for speaking such words for his wife but he knew Sophie wouldn't want that. She'd tell him no, no matter how much she'd hate it so he just walked out. It was worthless it Sophie didn't want it.

Jake stopped his car outside the café. There was only one man sitting in the tiny place. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not. He wanted to trust Sophie. He wanted to believe that Sophie will keep her promise of working for their relationship but stupid desires. He couldn't control himself and got off the car. He had to meet the man at least once.

The café's bell rang as Jake entered. The man looked up from his phone at the door.

Jake and his eyes met. It was horrifying. Maybe he had talked too much about the past that he was daydreaming now? Jake rubbed his eyes slightly and looked at the man again. No... he was the same, sitting in front of him was his best friend.



𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 p.jay | s.jyWhere stories live. Discover now