𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝?

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"That was..." Sophie let out a sigh in relief of getting away from the man but her heart jumped slightly as she saw a girl stand in front of her.

She looked about the same age as Sophie and had a clear expression of annoyance on her round face.

"Hi," the girl waved her hand in an awkward, robotic movement.

"Cute," Sophie chuckled and replied "Hi," while waving back.

"What the... Weirdo," the girl thought as she saw the woman smiling but shook her head to knock unnecessary thoughts out.

"I'm Song, I'll be showing you around today," she gave her best smile which Sophie could very well tell was forced.

"I'm Sophie," she replied.

"I know," Song replied as she turned her back at Sophie.

"Follow me," she waved and Sophie listened.

"So you're really Jake Sim's wife?" She asked.

"Yes, what's so weird about it?" She asked.

"No, nothing. It's just weird that he got the woman he always dreamed of," she laughed.

"What...?" Sophie didn't mean to say it out loud but the girl was weird.

"Nothing, just saying you're exactly his type," she replied while Sophie kept staring at her, she wanted further explanation. "What...? Oh wait... You're thinking how I know him? We studied together," she replied while opening a door painted pink and mumbled, "unluckily.."

Sophie followed the girl inside and saw a huge hall divided into many smaller sections. Each with a beautiful vanity mirror and lots of make-up and drawers.

"Wow..." Sophie's eyes glittered with all the lights that filled the hall.

"This is where you'll be working. It's the make-up room for females. The one with a blue door opposite to it is for the males," Song informed Sophie who nodded in response.

"But where is everyone?" Sophie asked at it was unusual for no one to be there.

"Oh... Hoon's serious about the idols and the workers so Sundays are off in this label, just in this label," she smiled.

"Then why are you here?" She asked not knowing why. She never talked to anyone first.

"I'm the director so, of course, I have to come. I shouldn't have... I can't believe I have to give you a tour," she rolled her eyes while leaving the hall. Sophie again, followed.

"You're a director?" Sophie asked as they were walking down the stairs.

"Yes, but I work as a vocal coach too," she said with a smile forming on her face. "They pay me a lot for training just one singers so... Hm. I see no harm doing it."

"We're back on the ground floor. That was all. Oh... I didn't show you the café. Want to come?" She asked.

"Next time, I think I should go now," Sophie declined the offer as she could tell the girl didn't want to spend a minute more with her. The same was for her, she wasn't desperate to know her either.

"Then," she waved and without another word left in the elevator.

"So? How was it?" Sunghoon asked as Song entered the office.

"What do you mean how was it?? I can't believe I had to sacrifice my sleep for this. I have work too you know??" She frowned as she took a seat in front of the man.

"Don't be so mean now. She's nice. Be nice to her," he laughed.

"Why'd you keep her though? You're even kicking out Rita to make place for her" She asked.

"I asked her why she wanted to work here," he laughed.

"So? What did she say?"

"She said she doesn't know," he chuckled but the smile vanished as be spoke further. "She doesn't know... So I want her to find a reason to stay."

"And then? You'll kick her out??" She didn't know why she asked that but she could tell, she knew him too well to not be able to read him.

"Yes, it's more fun to lose something you want than something you don't even care about," he nodded with a restrained smirk.

"You're such a jerk..." Song frowned. Song knew she was rude with Sophie but it wasn't because of her. "You know her from before don't you?"

"Why would you think that?" Sunghoon raised a brow.

"I don't see any other reason for you to behave like this. Although it's still not justified whatsoever," she replied.

"Of course, I know her."


𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 p.jay | s.jyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora