Evan sighed, snickering as he took out his phone. Only to lean against the counter and contemplate texting one of his friends to pick him up.

"So, the principal says your name is Nigel, right?" Evan looked at him, seeing Nigel nod slowly. "Okay, so listen to this Nigel, I really shouldn't be here. I have a life, I have stuff to do. I'm a Junior and I can't let three months of my life be taken over something so stupid. It's not fair for me that I have to suffer in here with you, no offense. You might like this boring life, but I have mine. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

Evan waited for Nigel to respond, only to see him look at his lips some. His eyes narrowed at them and Evan frowned, only to see Nigel look back at his eyes.

"Why are you looking at my lips?" Evan questions him, and he saw Nigel look back at them again. "Are you into dudes or something? Listen, I'm straight, but I don't have a problem with gay dudes. Just don't try to force your sexuality onto me, that's pretty shitty."

The more he spoke, the more Nigel would look at his lips. Evan began to cover his mouth now and saw Nigel almost look offended by him doing so.

Now he was confused and raised his eyebrow. Only to see Nigel sigh, stepping back as he looked down at Evan in contempt.

"I am deaf, but I can read lips perfectly. You really have no filter, saying whatever you want without the consideration of how others might feel." Nigel spoke up, shocking Evan as he heard his voice for the first time. "I'm bisexual, not gay; but you don't need to worry. I wouldn't dream of forcing anything upon anyone. Besides, I'd never like somebody like you."

Evan watched as Nigel began to reach behind the counter, pulling up a camera out of nowhere. That's when his picture was taken on the spot and he flinched. Except Nigel just connected the camera to the computer as Evan's picture was extracted. Set on a template for a library card, he saw Nigel working on it.

He didn't care about that though as it was the words that he said.

'Besides, I'd never like somebody like you.'

That was ringing in his mind more than anything else because...

"Wait, I think I heard you wrong." Evan chuckles, putting his phone away as he began to tap the counter to get Nigel's attention. When Nigel did look at him, he looked annoyed. "Did you say that you would never somebody like me?"

"Yes." Nigel answered back quickly, looking away as he suddenly crouched. Evan looking over the counter to see Nigel resting a blank card on some scanner.

Only to stand back up and press a few more things on the computer. Evan looked at the screen and saw how stupid he looked in the picture. Almost like a deer in headlights look...

"Do you not like this picture?"

Evan looked at Nigel, seeing him looking at him now. He wondered if he genuinely cared if his picture looked bad, but he took the chance and shook his head no.

"Too bad, you should have told me before I did all of this." Nigel responds back, causing Evan to glare at him as his card began to be scanned.

He saw Nigel crouch down again, except this time he didn't look over the counter. Now his mind was hearing the echo of those words. Someone possibly not liking him?

As if he wasn't the most attractive guy at their school.


When Evan says that, he looked off as he waited for a response. Only to remember that Nigel couldn't hear and sighed, waiting until he stood up.

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