"Styles. It's about time you're back. We've been waiting on ya. I was beginning to wonder if something bad happened along the way with this one." Zayn said as he approached Harry, resting his hand on his broad shoulder while referring to me.

"You smell like sh*t." Zayn chuckled as Harry dropped the massive bag of drugs on the kitchen table.

"Doesn't he always?" I commented above a whisper before Harry glanced behind his shoulder and stared me down.

"It's because this stuff is killer. I got the good sh*t from Ranger." Harry replied as I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Ranger, that guy knows how to make a man hard." Zayn expressed as I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"I don't know where he gets this stuff, but it's the best selling drugs in the state." Harry commented as he ripped open a bag and started handing it out to his friends.

"God I need to get high right now. I've been so stressed." Zayn sighed as he accepted it from Harry and instantly dug in his pocket for a lighter.

"I'm going to the room- I can't stand the smell of toxicity." I mumbled aloud as I unfolded my arms and marched down the hallway- not able to go far enough due to someone stopping me.

"Oh no you don't." Harry denied as I felt his grip tighten around my arm.

"Dude I did what you asked- what more do you want?" I snapped at him as I turned around.

"I know you. You'd take advantage of us at any given moment. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You're staying here." Harry stated as I scoffed.

"And do what? Watch you all get high? What is this a baby sitting job?" I spoke sarcastically as I got all defensive.

He then stepped forward and grabbed me by the throat- catching me completely off guard as he pulled me close and breathed against my lips. "You're staying right here. With me. Do you understand?" His tone was dark and authoritative as he looked at me dead in the eyes. 

"Fine- whatever." I snapped as I slapped his hand away from my neck, trying not to show fear.

"Looks like you'll need a heavy joint for all the baggage bishop here has you carrying." Liam said as he took out a white rolled up drug and held it up for Harry to take.

"God no kidding. Ranger almost killed her today." Harry sighed as he shook his head and walked over towards his friends.

"What?" They all gasped in sync as Zayn already lit up his joint and started smoking it.

"Yeah. I told her to stay unnoticed but Ranger somehow saw her. It was a whole commotion. But... basically Ranger knows about her. He's not gonna tell anyone though." Harry said as he grabbed his joint and borrowed the lighter from Zayn.

"You know that's dangerous right? If Ranger is uncomfortable about this he will speak up- kill her even." Liam informed as my heart started racing while my stomach turned.

"Oh I know he will. Which is why I'm going to keep her away from the others. Only we can associate with her. She's too valuable to lose right now." Harry replied before he started inhaling his new drug.

"And you're sure he won't tell anybody else?" Liam asked after he glanced over at me suspiciously.

"No. I trust him." Harry shook his head after he blew out a cloud of smoke.

"Hmm.. well if she wounds up dead, it wasn't my fault." Liam sighed before he inhaled his all white cigarette.

I then walked up to the fridge, ignoring their conversation while trying to find something to eat, realizing I probably haven't had anything for the past two days.

"What are you doing?" Harry barked as I felt his eyes on me.

"Searching for Indiana Jones." I spat sarcastically as my eyes scanned the different shelves- finding absolutely nothing that sparked my appetite.

"Watch your damn mouth with me Athena." Harry ordered as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm looking for food. I haven't ate in a day or two." I informed before I shut the door, finding no luck.

"Well who's fault is that?" Harry asked as we made eye contact.

I narrowed my eyes as his whole face was covered by a grayish cloud of smoke, wondering how on earth he could handle such a smell like that.

"Yours. You don't take care of me." I hissed as I stood confidently.

"Cuz I don't give a rats ass about you." Harry replied harshly as the boys laughed.

"Mmm. Ranger would disagree." I bit back with a smile, causing Harry's face to drop.

He then stomped over towards me, causing my heart to sink with fear but I chose to not show it in my features.

"You wanna smart mouth me all day b*tch? Huh? Is that what you want?" He challenged me as he towered over my small frame.

"Do you want to keep feeding yourself these lies about me? Is that what you want?" I spoke back as I crossed my arms against my chest.

He licked the inside of his bottom lip as he stared deeply into my eyes, holding the cigarette between his two fingers.

Before I had the chance to do anything else, Harry quickly snatched my wrist and pulled my arm up aggressively, causing me to gasp and look up at him with fear.

"Maybe this will teach you a lesson to keep your mouth shut." He hissed before he took the end of his cigarette and pressed it against my sensitive skin, causing it to instantly burn.

I whimpered as he held my wrist tightly, not being phased at all by my attempts to pull my arm out simply because he was too strong. He had way too much power over me.

"Isn't that right Athena?" He taunted as he yanked me closer and pressed deeper.

Tears formed in my eyes as I looked up at him, holding back from crying or begging him to stop.
Don't give in. Don't show fear.

"Isn't that right?" He yelled as he pressed it against my skin even harder, causing me to bite my lip and cry out.

"Yes." I whispered as I was once again defeated, watching as an evil grin slowly appeared on his lips.

"Drop your stupid ego that your brothers taught you and learn to be submissive." Harry hissed before he pushed my head to the side harshly, making me bite my inner cheek to hold back my words.

"Come relax with us mate. Once you're a couple puffs in you'll forget she's even here." Liam said as him and Zayn leaned back comfortably against their chairs.

"That's the plan." Harry muttered under his breath as he approached the boys.

Yeah.... And that's my plan too.

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