january 12

8 0 0

dear ashton,
i saw you crying in art class today. you sat in the back of the room, drawing sad pictures and staining the paper with your tears. i wanted to ask you what was wrong, be able to comfort you and kiss away your pain. but sadly, you would never acknowledge me. i am just luke hemmings, probably the biggest loner in school. you could never notice me, you're ashton fúcking irwin. i saw your boyfriend come into the class and take you to the nurses office. i wanted to be the one to comfort you, not that no good ásshole who could never treat you right. you never came back into art class before the period ended so on the way back to class i purposely walked passed the nurses office to see you, but you weren't there. i assumed you had gone home with your boyfriend because he wasn't in science class next period. i really hope you're okay.

a/n: hey so new lashton fic I'm starting and the chapters are going to be short so pls don't get mad at me !! but they will he published like once a day to every other day or so

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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