
I didn't turn around. Too afraid of what and who stood behind me.

"Taury, can we talk?" I bared my teeth and spun around so fast my hair hit me in the face.

"You want to talk. Right now. What could you possibly have to say to me? You want to talk about you lying to me? You should have talked to me a long time ago. You're a fake, never being real with me. And you know what, Sera has bigger balls than you do. At least she tells the godsdammed truth!"

I stormed off before tears could fall and ruin my makeup I painstakingly applied. He followed behind me, slower, but did not try to pursue any further. Good. I was going to have a good time at the ball, and I didn't need him fecking it up. Down in the foyer I found Sera, who questioned me with her eyes. Before I could answer, Garren walked down the stairs. She glared at him for me. He threw his hands up at a loss. He could suffer all night and I hoped a hag asked to dance with him.

Nik was gushing over Faolan's white tux. Ameer wore white. So did Alden. Wait. I turned to Dath. More white. Erix appeared at his usual spot on the balustrade above, looking strange after only ever seeing him in black.

"Before we head to the castle, I wanted to let you know that the curfew for today has been increased to accommodate extra festivities. As many of you are not from this city, you will sometimes miss the traditions we hold on to. The winter ball is always accompanied by the men wearing all white to honor the god, Faolin, the white wolf of the Derde River. He was notorious for blending into the snows and birch trees during battles. Enjoy tonight with your new family, because the people around you will likely be with you the rest of your lives."

After his speech, Erix vanished into the hallway behind him as he began the long walk to the castle. The students at the university climbed the stairs and followed him. Jakota wasn't at his post by the castle walkway. Instead, an older gentleman stood guard. The mass of students' heals and finery click against the stone walkway to the castle. Gowns of every shade of color made the girls look like gemstones next to the men in their white finery. Some couples walked hand in hand, others chatted with their friends.

As we made our way down the staircase to the castle's foyer, I spotted Eliza in a beautiful rose dress and waved. She smiled at me and returned the gesture before averting her attention the cute boy next to her. The student not on our team gasped and clapped at the sight of our work to the ball room. Some nobles and allies were already inside dancing with the ice sculptures and others were sitting in some of the alcoves we had created. I had finally spotted Jakota standing guard by the thrones, his black hair a handsome contrast to his white suit. A few members of our team waved, and he bowed back politely.

We all found a table near the front and sat. Faolan complained of hunger, which surprised no one. Nik fidgeted with her sleeves next to me, a nervous habit she had done since we were kids. Garren leaned against an ice pillar nearby, a drink of some kind in his hand. He looked down and swirled the contents with a shake of his hand. Before he could look back up, I continued watching the crowd. Sera and Zither made their way to the food table at the back, both ladies looking divine. Rayze was already walking around the room searching out the guest the way a wolf would hunt for its prey. I watched her eyes land on a ruggedly handsome man from the green team.

Trumpets sounded at the dais and the king walked through the dark blue curtains behind the thrones. I itched at my mask, already fed up with it. The crowd bowed and the king gave a short bob of his head in return. With a raised glove he silenced the room.

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