Be Fearless Part 5

Start from the beginning

By building trust, we help each other and inspire one another to become better.

Building people up

Meaning; to praise someone in a way that will influence people's opinions. To make a person feel more confident.

In my management career through the years, my success came from how my employees performed. My secret weapon has always been to build my staff up, emotionally and physically. They were deemed appreciated, confident, and believed in themselves when they accomplished their assignments.

As we build people up, they sense appreciation, they will enjoy being around you because you inspire.

We must remember that every one of us faces challenges daily, when someone feels down and under, a few simple words of motivation could change a life.

I love the phrase motivation, a simple word with so much power. We don't have to be motivational speakers to build someone up, a few inspiring words or advice will support another with the challenges they face daily.

Standing your ground

Meaning; if you stand your ground or hold your ground. You continue to support a particular argument or to have a particular opinion when other people are opposing you or trying to make you change your mind.

Standing your ground or fighting for what you believe in doesn't make you a bad person. That what we believe in ultimately defines us. So why not stand up for those beliefs. When I talk about beliefs. I am not just talking about one particular belief system, I mean our belief systems have a wide range. Religion, sexuality, political affiliation, philosophy.

A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that help us to interpret our daily reality. In the end, it comes down to what we believe in, and no person should interfere with that.

'Religion' I don't have a strong sense of religion, Way too many choose to from, and each one believes theirs are the only way to go. I tend to keep my distance from religious conversations because the fastest way to initiate conflict between people is through religion.

'Sexuality' I believe each person on this earth has a right to choose who they want to spend their lives with, to spend it with whom they love. Who are we to tell another human who they have to be? Who are we to take another human's free will away? I fiddled around in my life, I have no pull toward one gender, and in that, most people dub me confused. I believe not, because I go to whoever makes me happy and gives me a sense of belonging. It is my right and all the others' right to choose who they want to be with, not one human is above another.

'politics' Heartbreak.

"Philosophy" Forever do what you deem creates happiness, let no other advise you otherwise.

When we stand our ground on what we believe in, we inspire others to do the same. If you know what your beliefs are, stand up for them.

Admitting our flaws

Meaning; that admitting your imperfections allows you to forgive yourself. Even sharing a mistake or failure (with confidence, not self-condemnation) with a close friend, support group, or team reflects strength, honesty, and integrity, not weakness.

This one strikes many people, myself included. We are swift noticing the flaws in others, we miss the ones we carry around. Admitting to our flaws causes us to become better people, and if we show others that we are stronger when we admit our flaws, we inspire.

Every human being ultimately contains flaws, no person is flawless. Admitting, and working on our flaws, creates space for growth, and with growth comes inspiration.

I have more than a few flaws of my own, for example, I don't speak up when something bothers me. I would rather keep quiet to avoid conflict. Conflict is, unfortunately, one of my anxiety triggers, but I try to work on it daily.

Another one of my flaws is that I get angered easily, I would get angry and irritated with the simplest of situations. I have to be honest and say that this has gotten better over time, but I still struggle with this. One step at a time, one flaw at a time. Admitting and working on our flaws will take time, it won't happen overnight. The process will show others that it is possible to achieve and, in that way, you will inspire others.

Listening skills (actually listening to others)

Meaning; the ability to pay attention to and effectively interpret what other people are saying. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Effective listening

Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships. If you listen to someone, we are showing compassion, with compassion ultimately comes trust, and with trust, comes inspiration.

Active listening is essential in our daily lives, not simply for inspiring people but also for personal growth. When we stand back and simply listen, focus on the surroundings, when someone talks to us or simply speaks in the background, your mind relaxed, muscles relaxed, you might learn a thing or two.

If an individual is mentally exhausted, emotionally drained, and on the verge of giving up, you can save a life merely by listening for the signs.

Being a good listener implies focusing on the person who's speaking, not interrupting or responding with your input none-stop, but rather simply hearing them out. Good listeners play a more passive speaking role in the conversation, and actively engage with the other person using body language and follow-up questions. They respect the person that is speaking.

13 qualities of a good listener.

-They are fully present

-They don't listen to respond

-React at the moment

-They don't have an agenda

-They don't jump to give advice

-They occasionally give advice

-They ask follow-up questions

-They listen as much, or more, than speak

-They show that they are listening

-They are patient

-They listen to learn

-They are interested in what the speaker is interested in

-They summarize what they have heard

It might be a good idea to start focusing on your listening skills.

Being generous

Meaning; that someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. Generosity is a quality like honesty and patience that we all probably wish we had more of.

When you show generosity, you might give away something or put others before yourself. Everywhere I go people know me, greet me, and randomly speak to me. Not because I am famous or good-looking, no, I am generous with my time, I try to help those in need when I can, and overall friendly.

Giving 5 minutes of our time to someone won't destroy us, time is precious to all of us, I do understand that. What better way to inspire those around us than by giving them our time?

All I am saying is, that if you are generous at heart, people will be inspired by you.

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