Ch: 14 How The Old Ways Were

Start from the beginning

Yellow: "Clarke, Pink."


Steven: "Hi Yellow cool sauna you have."

Yellow: "Thank you, it's new have a seat." the two of us sit down at another crystalized bench.

Yellow: "So the two of you have met White. I was not expecting her to require you, Clarke, how was it?

Steven: "Not good, all we got to say was "hi" "um "i", and for Isaac, he only got to say "Wait" "hold on" and "we need to."

Yellow: "Eight and a half words that's a record!"

"Eight and a half words aren't enough Yellow, we need to find a way to convince White Diamond to heal the corrupted Gems."

Yellow: "Hmm, well good luck with that. White never leaves her head and she doesn't let anyone in, except the two of you. It's so unfair! I have hundreds of successful crystal system colonies, but she lets you in because. You're a human with technology. Technology that WE could have built, and you Pink you get to see her because your one colony failed!"

Steven: "Maybe you should just... fail?" she laughed,

Yellow: "Oh Pink, you always did have quite the knack to make me and the others laugh. You're almost worth the trouble, just as you Clarke. Oh, I can barely wait for the test!"

"Test? What test?"

Yellow: "Well considered, you "almost" defeated me and Blue. Also damaging my glorious helmet which a gem could not do, yet somehow you found a way. So Blue and I agreed, to put you up against one of The elite Gems in the arena."

"And that is?"

Yellow Diamond: "A Jasper."

"Shit..." I say to myself, I haven't forgotten what the Jaspers looked like, they can pick me up and rip me in half like a twig. I gotta think smart around her when the time comes.

Steven: "Oh no..." I heard Steven whisper himself, then the same chime from the Pink room was played
out, Yellow Diamond sighs.

Yellow: "Already? Excuse me." she stands up, all the sweat over her body was lifted and evaporated.

Yellow: "I have to check on the latest Citrine production reports, I will speak to the two of you soon."

Steven: "Wait! What should we do with White? We still need to talk to her about helping the corrupted Gems!"

Yellow Diamond: "I'm sure you'll find a way to persuade her Pink just as you have in the past" the door opened and she left. Steven sighs

"Well, there she goes."

Steven: "Issac about what Yellow said..."

"I'll find a way."

Steven: "But what if you-"

"I'll find a way don't worry about me, Steven."

Steven: "Ok Issac..." he said in a worried tone, the door then opened revealing it to be Pearl and another version of Pearl but blue.

Blue Pearl: "Pink Diamond and Isaac Clarke, my Diamond has requested your presence." she said in a gentle and quiet tone.

"Alright, Steven you ready?"

Steven: "Yeah..." the two of us stood up and walked out of the sauna, and followed Blue Pearl, a good one or two minutes has passed and now we are in a blue hallway.

Steven: "We barely talked about White at all, all we talked about, was Issac about do some test later on, and then she had to leave because of a report. I get that they're busy, like super busy. Because of their dictators and everything. But Issac and I needed more time! I should have asked her what she was doing after the Citron thing, we're losing progress."

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