Ch 4: A Peaceful Place

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Stevens POV

We were all walking on the shoreline, man I'm so happy that Issac is with us! Having him around is going to be so much fun!  "Oh, I almost forgot, Isaac you're welcome."

Isaac: "What for?"

"I healed your head when you were unconscious." hearing this he reached for his head and was shocked to see this

Isaac: "I thought-"

"you did have that cut on your head I just used my healing spit on you."

Isaac: "Healing spit?"

Oh right, Issac doesn't know this type of stuff "Yeah healing spit my gem allows me to do it" saying this I lift my shirt

Isaac: "Huh and I'm guessing whatever that is, is the reason why my head was healed?


Isaac: "Wow uh thanks, I guess"

"No problem!" Upon still walking but still close to the city we heard rumbling.

Isaac: "whoops sorry I haven't eaten for quite a while."

"Ah don't sweat it we were about to show you the best place to snack on!" We arrived at the one and only big donut! We step inside and the bell rings. Then I see my two Bffs working their butts off on these amazing donuts!

Sadie: "Hey Steven and Connie! Woah who's that?" Lars had looked up from his phone

Lars: "hm? Woah whatever your wearing looks cool!"

Isaac: "Thanks, kid."

"Guys meet Issac he's an Engineer and he saved the entire universe!"

Sadie: "He did? Woah thanks, Issac, of all the corrupted Gems I've seen I never thought they would be that dangerous I suppose you can have these special donuts, it's on the house!" Sadie then pulled out a tray of donuts and started putting them in the bag and ringing our order.

"Wow thanks, Sadie!" I grab the bag and hand it to Issac I mean even though it's donuts he deserves it for saving the universe,

Isaac: "Well uh thanks for the donuts kids." They thanked us back and we headed out.

Isaac's POV
I grab the glazed donut and take a bite at it and it was not bad! This surprised me since I'm not the kinda guy that likes sweets but those two kids do deserve a raise if they can make me like these kinds.

Steven: "So what do you think?"

"Not bad even though I don't like sweets they sure did do a good job at this."

Connie: "Not like sweets? Ah, your the type who doesn't have a sweet tooth."

"Yeah although when I was working ships I would eat sweets to boost my energy up."

Steven: "I'd bet, working on those ships sure sounds exhausting!"

"Some were but the one time I felt exhausted was...Never mind." shaking the thoughts over that damned ship named the Usg Ishimura

Steven: "Exhausted over what?"

"Nothing just a bad memory."

Steven: "Issac we're here for you just like I said." as he said with a concerned tone

"Look I appreciate your concern kid but this is something I have to keep to myself."

Steven: "Alright alright, but just let us know if you want to talk to us."

"Will do, now where are we headed?"

Steven: "Well, we can go to the Fryman, fish stews pizza, the arcade ooh, or Funland!"

"We'll visit them all, this place seems sort of nice"

Steven: "And it is! C'mon, let's go introduce you to Fish stew!"

"Alright." We begin walking to what Steven said "fish stew pizza" hearing from this. Doesn't sound like a good idea but hey maybe it'll turn out ok, we begin to walk over to the door just as Steven was about to pull the door we hear grunting behind the store, all of us being confused we follow the sound where it was coming from and I see three kids, one being with blonde hair he seems to have trouble with holding that speaker, the other male has sunglasses and a red jacket, and a female that is wearing a black jacket.

Buck: "Be careful with that thing man, that seems heavy."

Sour cream: "Don't worry about it I go-"

he was interrupted as he slipped into a puddle yelled out and fell, just as the speaker was about to fall on him, I stepped in and grabbed the speaker with my T-K and placed it down on the ground everyone is looking at me with awe

"You alright kid?" As the boy rubs the back of his head

Sour cream: "Woah who are you?"

"I'm Issac, Steven do you know who these people are?"

Steven: "Yup these are my friends! Guys meet Issac." I help the boy up

Sour cream: "Thanks I'm Sourcream."

Buck: "Nice to meet you man I'm Buck."

Jenny: "I'm Jenny what was that thing that came out of your hand!"


Buck: "Steven where'd you find this cool guy."

Steven: "Oh, the gems and I found him in the ocean."

Jenny: "The ocean? Were you there for a quick swim Isaac?"

"Don't ask."

Jenny: "Alright fine."

Sour cream: "c'mon guys let's get this speaker to the car"

"Here let me handle it since you almost got seriously hurt." I lift the speaker with my T-K and place it in the back seat.

Connie: "I will never get tired of seeing that!"

"There is that all guys?"

Buck: "Yeah that's all, thanks for the help man" he raises his fist waiting to fist bump seeing this, I do this since I don't want to be a jerk

Buck: "it was nice seeing you man let's go guys." then the three kids hop in the car and drive off

"Well that was interesting, let's go check this place out."

Steven and Connie: "Yeah!"

2 hours later

It was dark Steven and I were heading back to the house, Connie had left a couple of minutes ago

Steven: "So what do you think of beach city!"

"It's a peaceful place."  I met Steven's father he was an alright person, we talked and talked. This place was ok I can get used to this. We climb up the stairs and open the door, we see no one.

"Huh looks like no ones here."

Steven: "they're probably doing a mission or something, here let me pull out the pillows and blanket," he walks over to the small door on the side of the stairs and opens it, and pulls them out

Steven: "You'll have to sleep on the couch is that ok?"

"It'll do" I grab the blanket and pillows. Steven starts heading upstairs

Steven: "Well good night." as he yawns, I set up the blankets and pillows and lie down, I can't help but think about what happened to me across the years, first, the U.S.G Ishimura, Tideman's station, dealing with aliens and it's technology, and now time traveling back through time and going through a different dimension, this all started when I was just an engineer. It's unbelievable. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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