He'd never be the same, and I think I knew that deep down. I had the best time falling into love with him since the moment I laid eyes on him, and for a while it was the most perfect feeling in the entire universe. But I'd be lucky if he ever loved me the way he had for the last 16 years.

His Emelia. His Emmy. His favorite and number 1 girl. The center of his world, but not for much longer.

But I would always love him, with all of my being and my entire existence. I would live for Draco Lucius Malfoy, and Draco Lucius Malfoy only. Because this life I am living is mine, it's his, it's ours.

'Til death do us part, my love.

I stared at the presents that sprawled out across the floor of his bedroom for him. I had taken my time in picking each one out, starting since the middle of August when I saw a book in dragon alley that reminded me of him.

After that, I couldn't stop spoiling him with more and more Christmas gifts. I had months to prepare, and I loved the holiday so much that I couldn't contain my excitement.

My brain raced back to last Christmas when I had gotten so wasted before I took a pill to clear my mind and gave in to Draco's temptations in his bedroom with the doors locked.

2 years ago when he had escorted me to the Yule ball. When he asked me to be his girlfriend. He bought me our matching rings that we both never took off, even when we didn't get along.

When we were 13 and he thought that enchanting mistletoe above my bedroom door would work in his favor, but I just slammed the door in his face. Always had been a little flirt.

Draco had always been a nut for Christmas. It drove me crazy when we were younger. He had to have the largest presents of the lot. Too much was never enough, and somehow after opening hundreds of gifts, he found something that our parents had forgotten to buy him to cry about.

"Honestly, it's like none of you even know me!" He shouted, kicking an empty box away from him and crossing his arms over his chest.

He stood between a new chess set, a bicycle that flew faster than any of his broomsticks, a double sized radio, a new quidditch set, his own owl, and gifts I couldn't even figure out a purpose for.

"You didn't even get what I asked for!" He shouted, making me roll my eyes as I sat in the middle of all of my presents.

"You're such an idiot. Maybe if you didn't ask for over 600 gifts, people would remember what you asked for." I remarked. That was also the bad part about these Christmas mornings.

Draco always had us up at 4:00 in the morning to open his presents, and I was never a morning person. I always had the worst attitude and the Christmas spirit was always ruined when all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed upstairs and sleep.

Draco was 8 years old for crying out loud. Young enough to get away with it, but too old for these kinds of temper tantrum's.

Draco narrowed his eyes at me for a moment, angry at my poor behavior and snarky remarks before his lips turned up into a smile.

"Its hard being so angry at our parents when you look so lovely in the mornings." He snickered, running towards me and throwing himself on top of me. We both crashed back on to the floor with a loud thud.

"Draco, you're going to hurt her!" Narcissa shouted at his rough housing, but he continued to laugh hysterically while he curled up next to me on the hard wood.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin