Chapter 1

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Arjun. Yes, Ye Joon, what's wrong? Why you did not tell us Samsung wants you to come to Korea? I just did not tell you all I like it here. You are taking this up unity, mom dad. What is it? Your son hid the fact he got into a university in Korea and then got a scholarship from Samsung to go to that same university and work under the head of their mobile division Arjun Si Woo Flement Thompson Hwang why did you do this?  I just want to live here with you guys I will miss you all if I left and plus I will be lonely. Arjun, you should have told us about it we could have found a way to help you. Mom and dad are right you are in luck we got an option to continue working in Trinidad or transfer to Korea and work there we were going to choose to stay in Trinidad but since you got the scholarship we will take the transfer to Korea and just live together. Fine, but you two better don't abandon me if you find yourselves, boyfriends. We, will not abandon our little brother. Promise? Promise.

1 week later

Remember to call us and send plenty of pictures. We, will, bye mom and dad I will miss the same goes for my wonderful teachers, bye you all. Bye Arjun. Bye Miss Julie. Come Julie it will be for 2 years and he will be back. He is not coming back, he will visit but to come back to live in Trinidad that is not happing. Oh, well that least he will be here to visit. Arjun wake up we are here, wow you sleep through the hold flight. What I cry all my energy out of me. Well, now you are awake now let's go. Guys, I have to go I have a meeting with the head of Samsung Mobile division. Hi, do you have an appointment? Yes, under Arjun Hwang. Ah, found it Mr Roh Tae-moon will see you now, Mr Moon your 5:30 is here. Ah, you must be Arjun Si Woo Flement Thompson Hwang. Yes, I am sir but how do you know my full name I understand if you know me as Arjun Si Woo Hwang since that is what most of my documents have it on them only family, friends and my parent's friends know what is my full name is. Well, Arjun I am one of those friends enough chit-chat now tell us how you found this bug and fix it? I just take a copy of my phone OS and just when thought it and fix any bugs I find within it and just post my finding anonymously and how you found me? You made a mistake I know how you code since your parents will talk a lot about your coding style and I found some of the anonymous posts to us match your style we just never take much interest since you were a child and here it is illegal to higher children so we wait for you to turn. 18. Yes, and here we are I must say you fix these bugs real well the last bug you fix save us 1 billion dollars worth in damages and 100 hours in our employees working over time and not seeing their families so Sally and you will be working together Sally will lead and you will help her in any way needed. My god Sally Hyesoon Jeong I am a huge fan. Thank you Arjun, it is a pledge to meet you and I have to say you are a very smart boy, can I take Arjun? Sure. I will like to say thanks a million for you indirectly helping me to keep my promise to my son. It is no problem we are here to help each other out? Ture, hey May this is the boy I was talking about the one who help me anonymously to make one ui 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Oh, him the one who saves us from that mess? Yes. Well, I overheard you are the Co-head of the software division, congratulations. Thanks, Sally May I have an idea for one ui 7. What is it? I think we make a big redesign that will be a two-generation update project and I have some ideas on how to do it. Ok, let's call a meeting to discuss it. So it is finalised we have an amusement later this month. Yes, and it is nice to meet my co-workers I will be working with you all Sally will be the one running our division and I will work along with you all to get our plans to work so come to me and I will help you. Ok. How was it? It was fine everyone in Samsung loves me since I help them out and you all will see me on stage month end. Ok cool and how was university? It was fine just I was only there for about an hour since I spend a lot of time at Samsung.

1 week later  

May. Sally. Yes, Arjun what is wrong? A fame us leaker has our plans and what we are going to do so we have to address it now. Ok, Roh, we have a problem. What is it, Sal? Someone leak our plan so we have to do our thing now. Well, lucky for us we have an event today and there is going to be everyone you all want there now let's fix our problem. What, Roh say? We can take some time from today's event. Please give a warm welcome to the heads of our Software division,  Sally Hyesoon Jeong and Arjun Si Woo Hwang. Welcome everyone we know everyone is wondering who I am? I Arjun Si Woo Hwang the new co-head of the Software division. We are here to address the leaks that were released this morning and what was leaked is 100% true we are redesigning one ui but in a different way One ui 7 will have a big update size so for beta testers will see new and wonderful changes but just know this update is going to be very unstable so don't download it on your daily driver phone and for how this update is going to work this redesign is going to be a two generations project so the beta program is going to be working for that period, feathers are going to be released in each monthly, quwatly update and the following series of phone to get the one ui 7 and 8 update the S 21 to 25 series of phones A 32 to 35, 52 to 55 and 72 to 75 series all of these phones  will get 6 months of updates after this project is finish phones that are no long eligible for updates will be dropped and place into the updated when needed list you all must be wondering why the A 12 to 15 and 21 to 25 series of phone and M series of phones were not call since these phones don't have Knox or don't have the Knox chip built into it so these phone will not get one ui 7 and 8 updates we will provide android 15 and 16 but they will get these updates as one ui 6.7.x and 6.8.x the x stands for the number that will stand for the patch mouth they will get the redigin just not all of the new secrtiy feathers that will come with one ui 7 and 8 for the series of phones that coming the A16, A26 and M series will they get one ui 7 and 8, yes they will since these phones will be getting Knox chips built into them and for how the update will look like the update information log will look like this as you can see one ui, why you seeing the update as this the first two numbers are the one ui version and the last three numbers will be the secirty patch mouth and date some phones may get three updates in a mouth this will give the user and idea of what patch update they are on, I know it is plenty to take in but more will be announced that our official release date, thank you everyone. Will everyone give Sally and Arjun a big round of applause. Hey Jake you know who is that boy who they just introduce to everyone at the Samsung event? No, but we will meet him later today since our group, Stray Kids and BTS is going to sign a deal with Samsung we may run into him, so get ready if you want to meet him. Ok, Hyung. Hello, BTS, Stray Kids and Enhypen I am Arjun Si Woo Hwang the new software head so you all will be working with me to design the products that each of your groups collaboration with Samsung. He is ok cute I want him Joon. Well sorry Jin I can't give him to you he is just a child and it is illegal to just take a child. Well thank you Namjoon for that but I am an adult. You are for real right you are nothing more than what 19? Close I am actually 18 if you guys have any questions you can call at this number. Ni-Ki just do it. I am scared, Jake. Scared of what Ni-ki? Arjun I thought you could not hear us. I can, Ni-ki tell me, I will listen. You are not agents gays, right?  Why would I, my brothers are gay and plus their boyfriends are here right in front of me. Who? Jungkook and Jaypark. What how do you know? My brothers are good that hiding their boyfriends but their boyfriends are not good that hiding it. What gave us away? The way you two look that me with pure shock on your faces and that told me you two saw me before. But Ni-Ki and the others saw you on the live stream this morning. Well, the way you two look that me that like you two know me not like Ni-Ki or the others with pure amazement. Well, I like Arjun will you date me? I was not expecting that but sure, and don't worry I know who is with who I will keep it our little secret and I know Jay, Seung, Hoon, Woo, Jin, Kook, Tae, Seok, Minho, Hyun, Felix and Seungmin are having babies. How do you know these things? I just need to observe you 12 are wearing clothes that is a bit baggy and you all wear clothes that fit your guy's bodies. Wow, you can't get anything pass this boy. Yes, when you work in coding you have to have an eye that picks on differences in things, well must get going. So soon? Yes, you all signed the contract so I have to go May will handle you all. What are you going to have to do? I have a meeting with Sally and  Roh, May you can take them. They have to come with you, ok then follow me. Ah, Arjun. Hi, Roh and Sally who is this. Oh, no. Oh, no what? Nothing, Arjun ( said under his breath) You all better don't do anything funny, Arjun, Sally and Roh don't know and I will like it that way. You sure the look on your face tells me otherwise. It is nothing. Tell us what is so not important that we don't need to know? ( under his breath) This boy will not let this go, ah ah ah it is nothing I just wanted to surprise you with this,( in his mind) hopes he buys it. Oh ok, anyway what is with the contract? I want you to be part of  Enhypen, you look so wonderful and I saw how you sing from what you post on Instagram. Ok, then let me just read what is written. Why do that it is legal things. Oh, I am fully aware I want to know what things are written since you are moving not to my liking, ok then I agree. Grate, just sign here, here and here. Ok. Wonderful, now let's go your brothers will be waiting. Ok, bye Sally and Roh. Bye, Sally that tracker you put in Arjun is it working? Yes, sir why you ask? Something is not sitting well with me the way he move when Jake say oh no was fishy and how he wants Arjun to drop that question. We have a problem. What the GPS it is offline. Oh no, you could track their phones? No, all of their devices are offline. Grate, I lost our company's grates software engineer. We just have to hope nothing happens. Yes, now just go back to your position. Yes, sir. What are we doing here? You little brat is so annoying can't wait to bang you. What this is illegal. Is it, you sign this I or anyone who wants to bang you could do it if they are part of these companies. I never sign that. Oh, yes you did you were so tired up with me that I sneak in this now get undress and were this. All of the most famous male groups are here, BTS, Stray Kids, Enhypen, A.C.E, EXO, GOT7, KINGDOM, MONSTA X, NCT, OMEGA X, Pentagon, Seventeen, ATEEZ, TNX and TXT, I can not believe I got fooled by him, you guys try anything? We can't, I will tell you just take it and don't complain and you should be fine oh and don't worry about they doing it raw they always use condoms since they are all married and they don't want anyone of us getting pregnant. What is that? I don't know. Arjun. Sally, how did you find us? Simple the tracker that is on your pendant. Smart. Thanks, now let's go. You got this all wrong. Arjun tell them they are wrong. Fuck you, you wanted to sexually assault me take him away. No, you will never get away with this. Oh, I did bye bye, Ji- Seo. Hi, we will need all of you boys to come on this date for the trial. Ok, thanks.   

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