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TW: mentions of rape, abuse, alcohol, bulling, blood, and violence.

I woke up screaming, I felt cold sweat drip down my back. I had woken up for the 6th time this week from having the same nightmare. I decided that I couldn't get back to sleep and it was around 3am so I took a shower and got ready for school and for the test I had in History with Mr. Matthews.
Hi I'm Natasha but I go by Nat and I'm a 16 year old whose dad is never home. My mom died in a car crash last year and I'm a teen spy which you think would be hard to keep from my friends, but I have no friends to keep it from so it was easy. I was a background person I sat in the back and never talked, I just watched Lucas, Farkle, Riley, and Maya god Maya I've liked her since grade school, it might be hard to believe but I was in the friend group but I got into spy work and I just didn't have time but then my mom died and my life just went downhill and now I sit and watch the group of friends I know everything about and feel sad lonely and mad at myself for letting them go.
"Alright everyone I know I said we had a test today but we are going to do a project instead, it's a group project and I want you to write and present something you thought about a person before the project and why you thought that and something you think after the project and why. Groups will be on a paper on my desk." Mr. Matthews said, I groaned thinking about working in a group. After the bell rang I walked up to his desk to look at who I will be doing to project with, my jaw hit the floor along with my pencil that slipped out of my hand.


"Mr. Matthews would it be alright if I was to be put into a different group?" I asked him, he looked shocked to hear my voice for the first time since the fight that ended my friendship with the group that was glaring at me from their seats. "I'm sorry Natasha all groups are final" he said "look if this is some weird plan to get us to talk about what happened that night it's not going to work" I said sternly, the groups eyes widened at my back talk. "I am sorry Natasha but you are working with Maya and Riley and that's final" he said in an equally stern voice. "Fine" I mumbled and walked out. I kept walking till I was outside, I sat on a curb and covered my face with my hands. I started to cry "if only they knew what had happened. God I'm such an idiot." I said to myself rubbing my face. "What happened that night, Nat?" asked Maya sitting down next to me. I jumped because I hadn't heard her come out. "What are you doing here? I thought you made a promise not to talk to me after what happened with Riley." I asked knowing that if Riley caught us talking they would have a lot of problems. "I did but I also made a promise that if someone was crying I wouldn't make them cry more." She said looking at me trying to read me but I was a trained spy she wasn't going to get anything out of me. "I don't want you and Riley to have more problems concerning me. I get bullied enough already" I said but then realized what I had said my eyes widened as did Maya's "what?" she asked in a dark voice "I- haha- what? I don't know what you're talking about hah" I said and walked back into the building. Shoot shoot shoot I scolded myself why did I say that why did I tell her about the bullying?
I woke once again to the same nightmare as every other night. I checked my phone for the time, 4:47 and I sighed and got ready for my day. I walked into school and got called names as always. This time Lucas was waiting by my locker 'oh no' I thought to myself. "Riley told me what happened last year" he said in an angry tone walking up to me, I knew what was going to happen. He raised his fist and punched me across the face with so much force I fell to the side "that's for hurting Riley" he said shaking his hand and walking into Mr. Matthews' classroom. No one did anything, no one ever does. But little did I know that Maya and Riley watched the whole thing. I stumbled into the bathroom but froze when I saw Riley and Maya talking in a hushed tone but stopped when they saw me. I instantly knew that they were talking about me. I remembered why I was here and grabbed a paper towel and held it under cold water and gently dabbed it on my swollen and bleeding lip. I felt their eyes on me the whole time. I finished and started to walk out but a voice stopped me "who did that?" asked Maya "no one I tripped and fell." I said because I didn't want to hurt their group. I walked out and went to class. Just as I finished my assignment in my last class the principal came in and called for me. 'Uh oh' I thought as I followed him silently. When I walked in Lucas, Riley, and Maya were there. "Why do you think you are here today Ms. Johnson?" the principal asked me "I don't know sir. I tripped and fell on my way to school sir" I lied without blinking an eye, Maya, Lucas, and Riley all looked at me shocked that I would lie. "Riley and Maya would beg to differ" he said and gressured to them to talk "we saw it happen Nat" Maya said looking at Lucas. "What are you talking about, you must be thinking of someone else Lucas didn't punch me" I said with a look in my eye that told them to go along with it. "Nat, why are you lying?" Lucas asked, looking at me with a confused expression. "Do not call me Nat Lucas" I tried to sound respectful but it came out as a snarl. "That's it all of you! Lucas detenon for 2 weeks. " The principal said "no no please don't punish him, it was my fault" I pretty much begged "fine. Nat 2 weeks, Lucas you're off the hook but I'm watching you" the principal said and walked out. I sighed in relief but froze when I remembered who was in the room. They stared at me in shock. "Why did you do that?!" Yelled Maya I winced "because you guys are a group of friends and you guys are amazing and I know what it's like to lose you guys and I didn't want more drama" I said close to whispering "what did you say?" asked Riley, "I said, because you guys are a group of friends and you guys are amazing and I know what it's like to lose you guys and I didn't want more drama" I said louder. They all just stood there and stared at me. I looked at the clock 3:20, shoot I was late for a meeting for work. "I have to go," I said, running down the hall. I called work to say I was running late. I got into my car and drove down to HQ. This is gonna be a long meeting.
I got home around 9, I went straight to bed and I fell asleep rethinking my day. I woke from the same nightmare once again. I checked my phone for the time but I found a text, I never get texts. I opened and it said:
??: Hey Nat, it's Maya. Do you think that we could meet at Topangas? 5 tonight?
Me: Uhh sure. See you there:)
Maya: Great!

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