Chapter 7 - "What if I said..."

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•||I'm really late again, it's been like three weeks I think. So so sorry, didn't think I could be this lazy.

Obviously I have a problem with sticking to schedules so I won't be making any promises henceforth, I'll just try not to take too long. ಥ‿ಥ

Bzzt- Intense smut warning for this chapter and the next~. This one's going to be longer than usual cause it's the build up. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧||•

Aaron's Pov.

"No." Robaire said to me with a strick glare after settling infont of me to block my view of Tyler, Mei stood beside him, giving Robaire and I a perplexed look. Tyler was talking with someone at the far end of the large mildly crowded bus, apparently I had been staring too long but I couldn't help it cause to me it looked as though that guy he was conversing with was making moves on him, it was the guy with dreads from earlier and something about the way he eyed Tyler all over while licking his lips with a smirk didn't quite sit right with me.

I was just about to walk over there when Robaire stopped me, what's his problem anyway?'s already getting late and I haven't even spent up to twenty minutes with Tyler. After the little concert we had the people in the bus all wanted autographs so I wasn't able to get any time alone with Tyler and now that we were done attending to fans Robaire's the one in my way, literally.

"What do you mean 'no'?" that came out sort of whiny as I glanced over his shoulder then back to his face.

"I mean 'no, you can't go making the same mistake' which need I remind you almost got your  ass in a whole lot of trouble" he snapped back with a stern tone in his voice and just as I was about to reply someone tapped my shoulder from behind so I turned my head to face them; it was Tae Yung, he had this suspicious expression on his face as he directed a pointed look towards the part of the bus where Tyler was and luckily I was able to catch what he was turning my attention to in time.

That dreadhead was leaning in to kiss Tyler, my Tyler. Oh ho ho someone's bout to get their teeth rearranged.

"What mistake- Oop sorry, I probably shouldn't be aski-" Mei was obviously curious about what Robaire was going on about but at that moment all the fucks I could have given went on vacation. I shunned them and stormed off through the space between Robaire and Mei, pushing past them and everyone else on my way to pumel the life out of that mophead but stopped halfway as I bumped into someone. Who?, it was Tyler, seems like he had rejected mophead's advances and...was on his way to me.

"Hey..." I huffed out as my rage slowly dwindled down.

"Hi-...uhm, hey w-what's up" He stumbled on his words while subconsciously fiddling with the arms of his hoodie which was now tied around his waist to reveal the T shirt underneath, it was a sleeveless with my face on it, kinda corny but for some reason it tugged my heart strings.

"You really are my biggest fan huh?" I said with a silly grin while poking the picture off my face on his chest, he groaned then started smacking my hands away childishly. There was that faint blush again he seemed to have whenever I teased him, kinda girly but I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" He huffed then crossed his arms over his chest to block the shirt with an adorable pout on his face, kinda silly but I loved it.

"Jerk?, hmm..." I feigned innocence while tapping my chin with my finger then lowered my head to whisper into his ear. "I thought we agreed on calling me daddy, mhm?. Still haven't heard you say it though, heh" By the time I lifted my head he had frozen in embarrassment and that little blush wasn't so little anymore.

Accidental shoplift-date. (Tyler x Aaron Z)Where stories live. Discover now