2301 - 2310

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2301. Your Brain Is An Insane Hard Drive.

2302. Sleep deprivation can affect the brain in multiple ways and can affect memory, slow down your reactions and impair judgment.

2303. When the blood supply to the brain stops, it is almost after 8-10 seconds that the brain starts losing the consciousness.

2304. During sleep, your body produces a hormone that prevents you from getting up and acting out your dreams. Five minutes after a dream, your body has already forgotten half of it and ten minutes later it is 90% gone from your memory.

2305. Learning new things changes your brain and increases your intelligence even if you're older.

2306. The larger the number of Competitors, the lesser the Will to Compete. When you see that a large number of people have appeared to compete, you instantly calculate a lower probability of winning assumed by your mind.

2307. If your mind wanders often, there’s a 85% chance that you’re subconsciously unhappy with your life.

2308. The brain is much more active at night than during the day.

2309. The human brain actually has the capacity to store everything that you experience.

2310. You Can Only Remember 3-4 Things At A Time.

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