♥︎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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°˖✧✿✧˖° kennedy °˖✧✿✧˖°

"Guys!" Josie exclaimed, charging into the children's section at the bookstore we worked at. I turned to her, wondering what her shock was for. "You'll never guess who just sat in the cafe!" She added. I rolled my eyes and got back to sorting out the books. I knew exactly who was sat in the cafe- Lia Emory. I told her to sit there, well, asked, whilst I finished up my shift.
"Who is it?" Juniper asked.
"Lia Emory!" Josie practically shouted. I cringed away from the noise and tried to slide out of the children's section. Juniper knew we were together so she laughed. She looked at me with a smile on her face but I shook my head, please don't tell Josie. "The Lia Emory!" Josie said again. I sighed and looked over to the cafe Lia could definitely hear her- it was only up the stairs.
"It's not that big of a deal, Jose. I recon she'd going to be here quite a lot in the future," Juniper said, shrugging her shoulders with a smirk on her face. God her stupid hints. Now she was for sure going to tell Josie!
"What does that mean?" Josie asked, coming closer to us.
"It means that the little lamb over there is working her way up in the world," Josie sniggerd, nodding in my direction. I shook my head and lowered my eyes. Please don't make it a big thing, please.
"The little lamb, huh?" I could hear the smirk on Josie's face and it made me gulp nervously. The ball at the back of my throat grew bigger and her hand appeared in front of my face.
"I- I don't know what she means, I- I - I just know her and sh-"
"Shhh, Ken. Tell me about Lia," she chuckled and leaned on the table, moving the books I'd just organsied.
"They're together, aren't you lamb?" Juniper giggled, walking over too.
"Together? As in, she's your girlfriend?" Josie asked, eyes wide. I felt the blush flood my cheeks but I nodded none the less. She was my girlfriend, a little more too but they didn't need to know that. They knew I was a little but I didn't know if Lia would want them to know she is a caregiver.
"You're dating Lia Emory?" Josie asked, still just as shocked.
"You're making it seem like it's impossible for her to date anyone Jose, calm down," Juniper laughed. I smiled a little, she was offending me.
"Sorry, sorry but like- how on earth does one start dating a famous author- one of the most famous authors! Can I have some tips, does she know Harper Gustav?" I giggled and shook my head, I didn't know any of her friends yet.
"We just matched on Tinder and it just- it went from there, I guess."
"Tinder! Ha!" Josie laughed. Just then, I saw movement by the entrance to the children's section. Since the shop closed half an hour ago, it was either our Boss or Lia. I hoped it was Boss.

"There you are!" Lia's voice said. I blushed and Josie and Juniper's heads turned. Josie practically jumped up, almost falling over. She put hair behind her ears and brushed down her clothes. I couldn't help but giggle at her frantics.
"Hi," I said in reply to Lia. She smiled widely and nodded to the two awestruck girls beside me. She continued walking over and stopped at the other side of the table. I smiled more at her and she winked at me before turning to Juniper.
"Hello, I'm Lia Emory- you are?" She held out one of her hands and Juniper was calm and collected, shaking it firmly.
"Juniper Young, Miss Emory."
"It's lovely to meet you, Miss Young. Have you worked here with Kennedy long?"
"About a month now."
"Favourite book?" Lia smirked, shooting her a knowing look and I rolled my eyes.
"Definitely The Book Thief. Yours?"
"Natural History by Neil Cross." Lia smiled and turned to Josie. "I'm Lia Emory," She held out her hand.
"Oh, I know exactly who you are, Miss Emory." Josie laughed loudly and shook Lia's hand enthusiastically.
"A fan?"
"The biggest! I have multiple additions of all of your books and I even listen to the audio books to get me to sleep!" Josie rambled. I giggled a little but Lia kept her professional introduction.
"That's incredible. It's lovely to meet you- what did you say your name was again?"
"Oh sorry, I didn't tell you my name I just got super excited. It's Josie- Josie Bagnor. I'm one of Kennedy's best friends, we do like, everything together- don't we lamb?" She swumg her arm around my shoulder suddenly and I looked at her. Josie was the furthest from my best friend she could get and I didn't know why she was faking it. I just staed still and Josie fist bumped my arm.

Lia smiled knowingly at me and I gave her the 'help' eyes.
"It's twenty past six, love. Are you ready to head out?" I nodded frantically and slid from under Josie's arm. I scurried around the table.
"You haven't finished the table," Josie said, pointing at the mess of books she made. I looked at it and went to open my mouth when Lia stepped in, she put her hand on my arm in a protective manner.
"I'm sure you can clean up after yourself, Josie. Kennedy finished twenty minutes ago. I'll see you both soon." She slid her hand down my arm took my hand and began walking us out of the shop. I giggled, god she was attractive.
"Bye guys," I mumbled, waving at the girls stood by the table, watching us go, shocked. "I need my stuff, Lia. Hold up," I said softly. She groaned playfully and threw her head back.
"I love your shop baby and I love books but I have been surrounded by them for two hours now and I am sick of the smell. Get a move onnn." I giggled and scurried to the staffroom. I grabbed my bag and coat before walking back out to her.
"Put that on before we leave the shop," she motioned to my coat, taking my bag off me.
"You wanted to leave immediately, this will just slow us down," I smirked, putting it over my arm.
"I want you to put your coat on, little girl." She stopped in the middle of the classics isle and I turned to her, pouting. It was too warm for a coat.
"I don't want to wear it."
"You're going to put it on or else we aren't going to dinner tonight," she took it off my arm and held it out for me. I crossed my arms. It was so heavy- why did I have to wear a stupid coat.
"Kennedy-" she said in her warning voice, raising one eyebrow. I huffed and gave in. I didn't want to get in trouble here, not when they all could see and I did want dinner tonight. I slid one arm in and spun to put the other one in. Once they were both in, she put it on my shoulders and moved around the front to button it up. I carried on glaring at her, even as she stood up to kiss me.
"No," I mumbled, turning my head away.
"Alright grumpy pants, let's go now." She took my hand, sniggering. I was not a grumpy pants.

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