2061 - 2070

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2061. Walking long distances is the best way to maintain psychological health.

2062. Empathy simply means to understand and appreciate another person's position.

2063. Optimists live longer.

2064. Intelligent people will never accept that they are intelligent.

2065. The left side of your face is more expressive than the right.

2066. Your shoes are much important than you think. People draw many conclusions about a person based on what shoes they're wearing.

2067. People think that to be strong is to never feel pain . But in reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it but get through it.

2068. Appearance plays an important role even when voting during elections. Maturity and physical attractiveness of politicians were mostly important for voters' choice (unconsciously, of course).

2069. Your addiction to your phone may reveal your emotional stability.

2070. People who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, upfront and honest with friends.

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