Chapter 2 Going Home

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Tomorrow is the day I finally escape this scorching Texas weather. It has been a long four years. I wipe my brow as sweat trickles down my forehead under the relentless sun. I can’t wait to see my best friends, Jacob and Phoebe, again. I wonder if Phoebe has found her mate.

She was the fortunate one among the three of us, being of beta blood and a female. Unlike Jacob and me, she didn’t have to embark on a four-year training journey. She had the luxury of staying home and training under Dad. Once I officially take over, she will assume the role of beta in our pack. I have missed her the most.

Phoebe is my sassy and energetic best friend, always ready to tackle any situation with a burst of energy. She adores people but is easily embarrassed, and secretly, I have loved her all our lives. I have tried hard not to, knowing that I have a destined mate out there, regardless of who they may be.

Jacob will become my gamma; his training took place in Denmark alongside other gammas from different packs worldwide. Jacob is like a mixed bag of vibrant energy, playful humor, and a touch of elegance. Being around him is always an adventure, never knowing what will come next.

Taking one last comprehensive look around what I have called home, I slowly return to my humble hut to begin packing.

I definitely won’t miss the scorching Texas weather.

Just as I am nearly finished packing, a knock sounds on my door. Curiosity piqued, I open it and am surprised to find Alpha Kit standing there, accompanied by two others. I wonder what they could want, considering Alpha Kit already knew of my impending departure.

The older male accompanying the alpha stood at an imposing six feet tall, his stocky build exuding strength. His greying hair matched that of a brewing storm, while his intense gaze, piercing brown eyes, sent chills down my spine. As he stood before me, his scowl and clenched teeth radiated a sense of danger and fear. I couldn’t help but feel worried, though I couldn’t recall if I had done something wrong.

The other figure was a female. Wait, wasn’t she the same woman from the bar three weeks ago? Nervously, I gulped, sensing that whatever was about to unfold couldn’t be good. But why involve me?

Dread filled me, causing me to widen my stance.

“Son!” Alpha Kit called out, his voice tinged with nervousness as he fidgeted with his grey shirt. “This is Alpha Tom Brown from the Crystal Lake pack, Sally’s father,” he introduced me formally.

Stepping through the door, I extended my hand for a handshake. “Nice to meet you,” I offered a welcoming smile.

Alpha Brown narrowed his eyes at me, ignoring my extended hand. Oh no, this is not good. What have I done? I widened my stance, my welcoming smile now turning into a tight-lipped expression.

Could it really be that bad?

“It seems we have a problem,” Alpha Kit continued, his tone filled with nervousness as he avoided making direct eye contact. He glanced around, his gaze darting everywhere.

“What’s the problem?” I nervously swallowed, lightly tapping my foot.

“You got my daughter pregnant. Now she’s your responsibility,” Alpha Brown’s icy tone sent shivers down my spine as an evil smirk twisted his lips.

I choked on a sudden rush of air. Oh, shit, did we? Why can’t I remember? It felt like my life was over before it had even begun.

Glancing at Sally, I noticed her head dropped, her gaze fixed on the ground as she nervously played with her fingers. Why was she so nervous, and why wasn’t she the one telling me?

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