He grabbed his chest, and red chakra bubbled out from it. His nails elongated into claws and fangs erupted from his canines.

It coated his body and bubbled behind him into one large tail which swished behind his back. He roared.

Haku ran with a senbon in hand. The salty scent permeated the air.

A kick to the face sent him flying across the bridge. The mask broke away and revealed Haku's face.

"Please. Kill me. I've failed." Naruto slammed his fist into Haku's chest. Blood spurted out in showers.

The life-liquid coated his hand, stained the bridge.


Naruto! Hashirama roared. Snap the hell out of it!

Kurama took hold of his chakra once more and the cloak around Naruto dissipated. Naruto panted.

"Did it really have to end this way?" Naruto asked. "Why did you want to die so badly?"

"I only existed to serve." Naruto forced his hand out of Haku's body. I'm sorry, were the words that went unsaid between them. Haku let out a last rattle of breath before he stilled forever.

He was dead.

Black flames engulfed Haku's body. By the time the flames were done, there was nothing of Haku left.

Sasuke wiped some blood from his left eye. "He didn't need to suffer." Naruto took a look at Sasuke's sharingan. The iris was black with a red atom shaped pupil. He awakened Mangekyo. And so young, too, Tobirama noted. But what happened to Sayuri, such a shame.

"I'm going to show you my own personal jutsu, Zabuza. One that I didn't copy."

The sound of electricity crackled around Kakashi. "Raikiri!" A squelch.

A few puffs were heard. Kakashi's dogs?

"Well, it seems like I have you all to thank for doing my job for me," a voice called out.

"I was going to skip out on their payment, but now that they're dead, well! How convenient."

"Goons! Get them!"

And all hell broke loose. A huge mob was led by Inari, all holding various weaponry. "We won't let you harm our land any further!"

"Nevermind! Retreat! Live to fight another day!" They cried.

The mist cleared, but Zabuza and Gato were gone.

Naruto and Sasuke stood in front of Sayuri and kneeled.

Sayuri coughed. "Sasuke? What- What happened to your eyes?"

Sasuke pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry about it. It's good to have you back."

Sasuke crumpled to his knees shortly thereafter. "Crap... out of ... chakra," he huffed.

Naruto pinched his nose. "Not you too Sasuke."

Nevertheless, he lifted both of them to their feet.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei? What happened to Zabuza?"

"I hit him point-blank with my lightning cutter. He could've escaped, but he would've bled out later." Naruto frowned.

"If he got medical attention, he would've lived, right?"

Kakashi shrugged. "Nobody's ever been able to heal through my Raikiri. Not even jinchuuriki."

Tazuna sighed. "Well, we're done with that. I think this bridge will be done in a day or two. About twenty meters left to go."

"That's a relief then. It's been too many near-death experiences for me to liike."

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