Chapter 2

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{Your P.O.V}

{5 years later}

I was walking in the country of America , as I was walking I started to get hungry.Then I saw a MC Donald's, Hey I'm hungry so a little stop won't hurt. Right ? So I went in there and walked to the register.I was looking at the menu ,trying to decide on a Whopper or a Whopper Jr. So I finally decided on a Whopper Jr.

"Hello may I help you ?"

"Um , Yes .Can I have a Whopper Jr. combo ?"

"Yes that will be 3.45$ [1] and can I have your name ?"

"Thanks and it's (y/n)."I said as I handed her the money.

So I sat down to a table ,next to a table with two boys . I had a feeling that they were staring at me for some reason . One of them had a cowlick hair style and had a uniform with a Bomber jacket [2]. The other boy looked like the other but didn't have cowlick but in stead he had a long curl and he also didn't have a Bomber jacket [3]. I think he was holding a Bear ? Just then the lady up front called me , to get my food.

"(y/n) Your food is ready ."

I went up there and got my food . When I sat down I saw the two boys get up from their seat and picked up their trays , and sit by me.

"Hello I hope you don't mind if we sit here ?"

"No go ahead ."

"Oh sorry , my name is Matthew [4] and this is my brother Alfred [5]." He said gesturing to his brother .

"Hello , I'm Alfred as you already know."He said holding out his hand.

"Well , hello Alfred and Matthew . I'm (y/n)."I said as I shaked Alfred's hand.

{Time skip to 5 min.}

"Well we have to go ."Matthew said getting up.

"Hey before you leave I'm kind of new to this place , Can you help me find this place ?"I said holding a piece of paper with an address on it.

Matthew grabed it and read it .While he read it Alfred came back and read it as well. Once they both finished reading it their eyes widened and Matthew handed the paper back.

"Umm You and us going to the same place would you like to come with us ?"Alfred said.

"Sure !"

We all walked out and got in the car .Alfred was driving and Matthew was in the passenger ,while I were in the back . Once We all got into the car , Matthew turned to me.

"Umm are you a personification like us ?"

"Well , yes I am .If you don't mind me asking what do you represent ?"

"Oh I represent Canada and Alfred is America.What do you represent?"

"I represent Moscow !!!"Once I said that the car stopped and we all were in front of a big building.

"Cool we are here !!!"I said as we got out and walked to the front door .Matthew opened it and we all walking in together.

We kept walking in silence , until we reached another pair of doors.That said 'Meeting Room' on the side of the door.I opened the doors and when we walked in everyone stopped and looked at me.

"(Y/N) !!??!!"I heard 3 people say.

[1] I don't know what the price is.
[2] Description of America
[3] Description of Canada
[4] Matthew is Canada's human name.
[5] Alfred is America's human name.

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