Courtly was actually surpised she refused. She looked at her, then to you, then back to Lizzie. She then narrowed her gaze.

Courtly: Then, you are!

Everyone gasped. Lizzie ran over to rejoin the group, grabbing a hold of you for comfort. Luckily, you had at least one person on your side.

White Rabbit: Uh...uh-h-h, Vice Principal, Wonderland school rules say you cannot give them detention without ah-err...without a...

Courtly backed him against the desk.

Courtly: Without what?

White Rabbit: W-w-without a...a disciplinary trial, at the school court. Hmmm?

Courtly glared at him, the laughed.

Courtly: Why would I permit that?!

White Rabbit: Actually, it's your rule.

Courtly stopped laughing.

Courtly: Is it? Well, then it must be followed!

She giggled.

Courtly: A trial would be a fun way to... find you guilty!

She laughed again, you all watching as she plotted against you all.

Courtly: Summon the witnesses! Prepare the court.

The guards began to shove you all pit of the room to prepare for court, Courtly laughing the entire time.

This definitely couldn't be good news.

While you dealt with the troubles of Wonderland, Ruby worked with Bunny and Alistar to try and find the girls. They still believed that Raven's spell had misfired and sent them somewhere in the school.

Their search lead then up to the castle's attic tower. A dusty place full of old relics like ancient chests and portraits and video tapes.

Bunny: Uh, they have to be around here somewhere!

Alistar: There is no more "around here somewhere". We've searched the entire school!

Ruby groaned in annoyance. Why was she so bad at helping people? You made it look so easy, yet here she was. She couldn't even find another person!

Ruby: Maybe there's an underground chamber of some kind that none of us know about?

The three looked at each other, then they laughed.

What school had a hidden chamber? What nonsense would that be?

Ruby: But no, seriously. They have to be around here somewhere.

Alistar: There is no more "around here somewhere". We've searched the entire school!

Ruby, however, noticed a rather large chest. She walked over to it and shrugged.

Ruby: We didn't search this AHHHH!

The chest suddenly shook. The three all backed up as something inside began to bang around.

Dexter: Hello! In here!

Ruby: Dexter?

She opened the chest to reveal the middle Charming child crambed inside the wooden chest.

Ruby: What are you doing in there? And you wouldn't happen to have six other girls in there with you, would you?

Dexter: Ah, no. It's kinda only me, Dexter. I was looking for my sister, Darling, and I-I sorta fell in there.

Ever After High: A Wonderful Semester (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now