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Pairing: non idol! Yoongi X non-binary reader

Genre: Horror, (maybe?) angst, thriller, established relationship au

WC: 1,435

Warnings: mentions of blood, violence, gore, death, nightmares

Rating: PG-15


Yoongi hummed along to the song that was blasting through the radio in the jeep. The vibrations of his hums made you sleepy as you laid your head on his chest. Jin was driving the jeep, while Taehyung sang along to the song in the front seat. You and Yoongi sat cuddled in the back. An unplanned road trip was just the thing you needed for this weekend. The stress from your school had to be released somewhere, and this was the perfect opportunity.

The weather was bright and beautiful. What could go wrong, right? Small droplets of water falling on your face was what was about to go wrong. What started with a small drizzle turned into a full-fledged downpour. As your jeep didn't have a roof, you had to find shelter. Finding shelter in the middle of woods was not supposed to be easy, but it turned out to be.

A dark and old house was just in the distance. The worn out building with dilapidated walls was not something you wanted to take shelter in. The house had some demented vibes which sent chills down your spine. You couldn't pinpoint the feeling, but it was definitely not a good one.

The paint was coming off at places and the walls looked flaky. The wooden floor was rickety as you entered the 2 story house. "It's charming," Yoongi said nonchalantly as he looked around the half ruined house. "It's probably haunted and we're all going to die",you said as you took in the weird pictures on the wall, which were half covered in fungus.

"Oh stop being such a wimp. It will be perfectly fine", Taehyung told you as he boldly walked through the passageway. Jin followed Taehyung closely, scared, but too prideful to admit it. "Is my baby scared?", asked Yoongi, as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You shook your head as you tried to shake off the chills. Yoongi still held your hand as he walked beside you, caring for you in his own small way.

As you moved through the house, to find a dry spot for you to sit, you swear you felt somebody touch your back. But it must be Yoongi right? You found a perfect spot in the living room, which was in better condition than the rest of the rain battered house. As you guys sat in silence, Taehyung tinkered with the television.

You didn't know what he did, but the TV somehow started working. "Guys, this shit works!" Taehyung called out. "No way!" said Jin as he backed away from the TV. "There is a CD and a CD player too, let's entertain ourselves," Taehyung announced. "I don't know... why don't we just play something?... like truth or dare?" you asked, trying to distract your best friend and partner from the TV.

"Are you a teenager, babe? It's just a CD, calm down," Yoongi said as he rubbed your back. You nodded as the CD was inserted and the video started playing. It was the same place, the same room, and some guy was talking about it being a haunted place.

"People say this place is haunted, that nobody who enters the place is able to escape. But your man right here, ain't afraid of nothing",the guy said as he confidently patted his chest. "We will see",Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes at the theatrics of the curly haired man.

The man walked through the forest in the dark with his video cam focused on him in the next cut. He was huffing slightly, maybe due to the distance he had covered. "See! Even your proclaimed ghosts ran away due to the strong presence of your strong guy", he said brandishing his nonexistent biceps at the cam.

"Wow! I didn't cringe at all" said Jin, which cracked you all up, and also lifted a little tension from your mind. "W-wait! What the hell is that?" the guy said suddenly, fear taking over his whole form, as he slightly quivered. Yoongi and Taehyung laughed at it; like it was some slap-stick comedy, but you and Jin were terrified and looked at each other. "D-don't-" the guy was saying as the TV suddenly stopped working.

"Shit! This place is haunted," you whispered as you scooted closer to Yoongi. "Boo!" Taehyung said from behind you, suddenly making your soul escape your skin. You shrieked, and angrily started chasing a wild running Taehyung. "You are so dead KIM TAEHYUNG!" you roared after him, as Yoongi doubled over laughing over your antics.

"Looks like you've been having fun, eh?" said a voice from the doorway. No way, you thought. It was the same guy on the TV. All of you stopped dead in your movements and turned your head towards the smiling guy with curly hair. "Hello! Do you live here?" asked Taehyung, ever the extrovert, trying to go towards the guy, only to be stopped by you holding his wrist.

"Ha! You will find out by the end of that video," the guy said smiling. Something about that smile made you uncomfortable to the core. A little distressed, you looked at Yoongi, who seemed to be assessing the man. The guy closed the door and as he was about to join you in the living room, a hand smashed its way past the worn out wooden door and pierced the man in his chest.

All of you gasped backing away, as Yoongi pulled you behind him, shielding you. Jin moved behind Taehyung as he gripped at the back of Tae's shirt. The man didn't gasp, yelp, scream, or even contort his face. He just stood there smiling, as the orphan hand protruded out of him, fisting his heart. You felt bile rise through you as black fluid burst through the wounds where blood was supposed to be.

Yoongi held your hand behind his back and you saw Taehyung doing the same with Jin. The man started guffawing maniacally as more black fluid ejected through his sockets, nose, and mouth. It was a haunting scene. You clapped a hand over your mouth as you tried to hold in your scream. You felt Yoongi's hand sweat and small beads of sweat forming on his neck.

"Run NOW!" Yoongi commanded as he pulled you behind him. You heard footsteps moving away as you turned and saw Tae and Jin running in the opposite direction. The man's eyes, if that's what you call a socket of black flowing solution, snap towards you. Your stomach got an unsettled feeling as he smirked at you.

Prying your eyes away from him, you followed Yoongi as he led you into the woods. The rain had stopped pouring. You rested your hands on your knees as you caught your breath. Yoongi did the same and wiped off sweat from his brows. "Are you ok?" he asked you. You nodded. "You?" you asked, your voice not above a whisper.

As you were about to ask Yoongi, what should you both do, you heard a blood curdling scream. It was Jin's. It was followed by a loud cry from Tae. Your blood froze and you looked at Yoongi wide-eyed. He too was shell-shocked and looked at you with the same fear.

You felt something drip on your head. You slowly looked up, with fear, and saw Tae and Jin hanging upside down from the tree you were under; their blood dripping on your forehead. You looked back at Yoongi, only to find the curly haired guy instead of him as he choked you. You screamed as you flail your arms.

"Babe? Baby? Are you alright? Why are you screaming?" you heard Yoongi mutter as you felt water being sprinkled on your face. You woke up startled and saw Yoongi and Tae looking at you with concerned faces, still driving through the woods. . You sighed in relief as all of this was a dream and wiped the stray tears that had escaped you.

"I'm fine," you told them as you tried to calm your wildly beating heart and rested your head back onto Yoongi's shoulder. His hand immediately wrapped around your shoulder, like it always had.

Everything was peaceful until the drizzle started, which turned to downpour. Jin drove up to the same withered manor, in the woods. The one with dilapidated walls and a creaking wooden floor. You felt your chest constrict. It was all happening again. You hadn't dreamt it after all. 

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