Let's Dive In

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Pairing: non idol! Yoongi X reader

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Pairing: non idol! Yoongi X reader

Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers, crack

WC: 1.2k+

Warnings: none

Rating: PG-13


You knew asking him out to trek to the forest was a bad idea. Not because of the bad weather or because you were tired, but because of the sheer reason that your best friend, aka Min Yoongi, was tired.

"Hey! Old man! Move your butt! We have a long way to go," you whined as you saw him ignore you to sit on a rock and rub his shoulders.

"We wouldn't be here if you had agreed to stay at home and have a quiet movie night instead of making my delicate skin endure the wilderness," he said sassily.

"Oh please!" you said incredulously.

"This rock," he said, patting the rock he was sitting on, "this is what I want to be in my next life. I am so tired of being a human, I want to be a rock," he said determinedly.

"Come on Yoongo-boongo! We always do movie nights. Don't you remember how fun it was to trek forests? We used to do it all the time when we were kids," you said, trying to bring up nostalgia and get him hyped up.

"Fine," he said, rolling his eyes as he stood when he saw you squeal excitedly.

You recalled the fun you had when you climbed mountains when you were kids. You and Yoongi had grown up together in a small town which was on the borders of forest, making both of you to enjoy it. But as you grew up and moved to bigger cities for your respective occupations, visits to the forest became scarce. Yoongi had become so lazy that the only activity both of you ever did was movie night.

You wanted to reminisce about the past, hence basically forcing Yoongi to come with you to your old town and traipse with you in the forest. He climbed the first half of the path with ease, even going as far as to show off his skills. But in the second half of the journey, his old man mode was activated. All he did after that was whine about you being a brat.

When he started lagging behind, you held his hand and started dragging him along. He complained but made no attempts to pull away his hand. His palm was warm in yours as you kept walking ahead.

You walked ahead of Yoongi, dragging him behind you. You glanced behind to look at him, hoping that he wasn't tired or annoyed at you. But you caught him blushing as he tried to keep an expressionless face. He was cute. You knew he had a crush on you. At least that is how it seemed through his actions, but he never made the first move. You liked him too, but you were way too much of an introvert to ever do something about it.

When you realized that you had a crush on your best friend, you had talked about it with Taehyung. He was a close friend to the both of you. When you told him about it, he laughed and told you something unexpected. He told you that Yoongi has had the biggest crush on you for the longest time, but he was sure that you didn't like him romantically. How did he conclude that? The reason was simple: it was that you were never nervous around him. You were so comfortable around him, and people are anxious when they are near their crushes, aren't they? At least he was. His heart was always beating wildly when you were around. But you called him 'Yoongo-boongo', among many other weird nicknames, which is as good as friend-zoning him.

You looked back again and saw him staring at your interlocked hands with a small gummy smile. You felt your heart do a happy dance. You were way too invested in thinking about what Taehyung had told you a few months ago and looking back at Yoongi, that you didn't notice the entwined roots of two trees in your path. You stumbled upon it, and were about to fall flat on your face.

Two strong arms wrapped around your torso suddenly, holding you back from the fall. You turned your head to find Yoongi's face mere inches away from yours. You blinked at him, as both of you held eye contact.

Yoongi was sure that his heart would literally escape his body considering the way it was beating. Neither of you made any attempt to move away. Your eyes fluttered to his lips.

Are we supposed to kiss? Does Y/N want to kiss me? Should I make the first move? Yoongi thought.

Before he could create any more scenarios in his head, you cleared your throat, making him release you suddenly, which caused you to fall. You didn't like him romantically after all. "Ouch!" you said, groaning in pain as Yoongi realized what he had done and helped you up.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized as you pouted at him, huffing and crossing your arms. He sighed, rubbing his forehead when you ignored him and started moving forward. "Y/N!" he called out, but you were walking too fast. Shaking his head almost affectionately, he ran behind you.

You stopped at a distance, behind the wild bushes and the dense trees. He moved past them, arriving at a clearing. He looked in awe as he saw a waterfall in front of him. It wasn't a huge waterfall, just a small stream that fell from a height, making it look like a waterfall. It was very pretty. The sunlight reflected from the water droplets making a small rainbow at the base. Yoongi found you also admiring the beauty ahead of you.

A smile made its way to your face as you turned to him. Yoongi was worried now. This was your 'let's do new random shit' smile, and he hated it. Before you could say anything, Yoongi spoke.

"No. Whatever you are about to say, I won't do it." You pouted at him, and kicked a non-existing stone with one of your feet. This was a wrong move as you lost your footing, again. And again, you didn't fall. You were back in Yoongi's arms, but this time you faced him. "You need to stop being so clumsy, or else you will always end up in my arms," he said, before realization of what he said dawned upon him.

"That doesn't sound so bad," you said with a small smile. Yoongi's eyes widened at the sudden rescue turned confession. You liked him? Were you joking? Is your face red or is that sunlight? He thought.

"Then why didn't you kiss me earlier?" he asked again before he could process. Why did he have to be so uncoordinated?

"That position was uncomfortable," you said with a sly smile.

"What do y-" He was cut off by your lips as you had pulled him by the collar of his shirt. He tried to maintain the balance as he kissed you back. Kissing you in reality was better than his imagination. You released his shirt as he pulled back in daze. Making you stand upright, he moved back with a shy gummy smile.

"Can I ask you something?" you said shifting your weight from your one foot to other. He hummed in response as he saw a small butterfly fly above your head. "Will you do it?" you asked with a disarming smile. How could he say no? He hummed again, agreeing to indulge you, which made you break into a grin. "Let's dive in!" you said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with you into the water.

"Y/N!" he whined, but smiled nonetheless at you as you splashed water at him. 

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