Starry Eyed

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Pairing: prince! Jimin X reader

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Pairing: prince! Jimin X reader

Genre: Fluff, strangers to lovers, royalty au

WC: 1.2k+

Warnings: none

Rating: PG-13


You laughed yet again, fake.

You said another 'Nice to meet you', lie.

You curtsied to yet another royalty, painful.

You danced with yet another stranger, forced.

You were tired of dancing all day in the same ballroom. The same pillars with fine draped silks towered over you, the same sparkling chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, the same boring conversations about the vast expanses of land, kingdoms and queendoms were being spoken.

You loved your citizens and always wanted to be your best for them. But you weren't sure how this ball that was being forced upon you by your father was helpful. You just went with the flow because you didn't want to disappoint your father. He wanted you to find yourself a suitor so that you could add to your already wealthy kingdom.

You waltzed and conversed with all the princesses and princes but none of them stood out. It was the same all the time. Even though the songs being played were changed, nothing ever felt different. Your feet were hurting from all the dancing. You had almost given up your hunt when you saw him, at the end of the ballroom.

Slicked back ash colored hair, and a black suit. His eyes were turned to crescents as he conversed with a princess, his white teeth showed as he laughed at something she had said. It was the most infectious laugh you had seen, and you couldn't help but stare at him. And then he turned facing you and your eyes met. He smiled at you and you could almost feel your heart rate rise. Was that spotlight shining on him? Was he glowing? You thought to yourself as he started moving towards you.

Even his walk was captivating; long and graceful strides. He greeted you with a bow and you followed suit with a curtsy. "May I have this dance?" he asked, extending his hand towards you, and as if on cue the next song played. No prince or princess would have asked you for a dance without knowing about you and assessing whether you were any help to their monarchy. You were intrigued by this mystery prince. You placed your palm on top of his as his eyes sparkled in the warmly lit room.

He gently pulled you closer as his hand rested on your midriff and your hand rested on his shoulder. Your other hand rested in his warm palm, extended a little upwards. He slowly led the dance and you let him, as you kept looking at his face, somehow bewitched.

"Does this beautiful person have a name?" he asked as his eyes creased a little. And there went your heart, going bada-boom.

"Y/N. And does this handsome man have a name?" you countered, and he raised his eyebrow.

"Jimin, Park Jimin." he said as he led you to the center of the room, among the other people.

"That sounds difficult, I will just call you mine," you said with an innocent smile, as if you hadn't just said the cheesiest line ever.

He laughed at your response, and you couldn't help but join him. "That is bold of you," he said with a wide grin.

"Shouldn't I match the boldness of my partner? You were quite bold to ask me for a dance without knowing about me." you said, as he twirled you around.

"Fair enough." he said with a smile and you could feel butterflies rise in your stomach.

"So how do you like the event so far? Did you meet anybody interesting?" you asked, as a cool breeze blew in through the balcony you were in front of, making his hair wave in the air.

"It had been boring until I met this beautiful and intriguing person called Y/n." he said playfully with a wink.

"Why thank you." you said as you tried not to blush at the compliment.

"It's getting hot in here, want to escape?" he asked, tilting his head towards the open balcony. You looked back at your father who was mindlessly chattering to a lady, and then back at Jimin who was waiting for your response with hopeful eyes. You looked at the balcony, as the white curtains fluttered in the wind, and then nodded back at Jimin.

Very smoothly, Jimin guided you towards the balcony all the while dancing. You let him guide you as you felt that you were gliding on the dance floor. As soon as you were out of the ballroom, away from the prying and judgmental eyes, he slowed down the dance and both of you rocked side by side the music coming from the hall, like the fluttering of green leaves under the moonlight.

His hair seemed to be glowing under the moonlight, silver and shiny, just like the stars in his eyes. Your small talk continued as you both were lost in each other. He made you laugh so easily, it was all natural. It was a welcomed change of palette in your monochromatic world of politics. As you both leaned against the railing of the balcony, and he talked to you, you looked back into the ballroom.

You had never noticed how beautifully the red and white silk fabrics were wrapped around the pillars, or how sparkly your chandeliers looked. You had never seen how colorful the ballroom looked filled with people dancing in it. Turning to look down beneath the balcony, you also hadn't realized that so many flowers bloomed in your garden. It was like you had a new perspective.

Jimin suddenly cleared his throat, making you turn your head. "Shall we head back to our main palace now Y/N?" asked your father as he assessed Jimin through his glasses. You glanced at Jimin as he bowed to your father, "It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty," he said.

"What a fine young man! It is my pleasure my boy." your dad said as he patted Jimin on the arm. He had charmed your dad too, you thought as you smiled amusedly. They exchanged pleasantries for a while and then your dad led you to your car. You didn't want this night to end, you had never experienced this excitement and you didn't want to let go of this feeling.

You were almost at the bottom of the stairs, wondering when you would meet Jimin again, when his angelic voice called out your name. "Y/N! You left this behind!" he exclaimed as he rushed down the stairs. He handed you a handkerchief that definitely didn't belong to you. You looked at him questioningly as he thrusted it in your hand with a wink. You took it from him with a 'thank you prince Jimin'

You entered the car, curious of the sudden exchange. And as the car moved, you wondered if he would meet any other person now that you wouldn't be there. What if the next person was more interesting than you were? Your insecurities bubbled up again as you looked at the white kerchief in your hand.

Now that you were looking at it carefully, you saw something on it. You opened the handkerchief hastily, and saw a small note written on it.

It was enchanting to meet you.

I hope I can meet you again <3


-Jimin (yours)

You noticed the small heart doodle at the end and he had given you his phone number. Trying to keep a neutral face and hold in the blooming blush, you held the kerchief to your chest.

'It was enchanting to meet you too, starry eyed prince'

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