To, My Dearest

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Pairings: female reader X Jimin

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Pairings: female reader X Jimin

Summary: Jimin is missing his wife. He is writing her a love letter for her birthday. She will be happy, won't she? Jimin wished he could see her, but he can't.

Genre: fluff and angst

Warnings: mentions of death, mental health

Rating: PG-15

Word count: 1.3 K+


Jimin sat on his bed with a pen and beautiful peach colored paper again. Your favorite color. He smiled to himself as he looked out of the grilled window. The sky was in a beautiful hue of orange, pink and purple, just like you liked it. How many letters would it be by today? Were you not missing him like he missed you? He sat in silence for a while before writing...


My dearest sweet angel,

How are you doing today? Did you go to the coffee shop again? Did you have many customers? How is our little fluff ball? Is she well? I know Taehyung said I can't meet you, but please do something and meet me. I am doing well, I promise. The doctors also say so...

Anyway, I just remembered you as I was watching the sunset. It is still beautiful, but it looks different from behind these grills. You have told them to give me a new room right? So, as I was watching the sunset, it reminded me of the first time we met. The sky looked the same, didn't it?

The sky was a mix of pink and purple, somewhere in between, a perfect harmony. The exhaustion from the work was getting the best of me and I needed a place to unwind. And your coffee shop was just across the street. It was as if the fates conspired for us to meet.

You were working in your pretty little coffee shop, behind the counter as I walked in. Choosing to come into your café was one of the best decisions of my life. I still remember how I felt like the world just stopped moving at once as I saw your cute but beautiful face greeting me. Your eyes held the innocence and light that I wanted in my life. You were wearing a pastel pink apron, and your hair was pulled in a messy bun. I was so flustered by your beauty that I couldn't even get a word out of my mouth. You still smiled at me, and at that moment I knew that I had fallen for you.

You kept asking me for my order, and honestly I couldn't hear you as I watched you. I tried to place my order but instead ended up pointing at a random drink on the menu. After that day, I would come in everyday just to see you work. I still remember when you walked up to me one day, when it was your closing time and started doing vague gestures with your hands. Did you know your confused face is the cutest? I had replied that I didn't know sign language and the way your movements stopped at my voice still makes me laugh. You kept bowing and apologizing as you thought of me as a deaf and mute person. I really did give off that feeling when I didn't respond to you, didn't I? After tons of apologizing and me saying a bunch of its oks, you told me the reason for your attempts at learning sign language. You asked me out on a date. I still wonder to this day as to why you chose me.

Life seemed more beautiful and colorful as I spent time with you. Do you remember the day we got married? The image of you walking towards me is something I can't get out of my mind. The genuine smile that you had that day made my heart burst into millions of butterflies, and that was when I decided that I want to be the reason for that smile. That pretty smile that has the power to bring world peace.

The honeymoon that followed after was very memorable. Do you remember the hotel room where we stayed? The room in which I live currently resembles it very much. This room also has white walls and a white bed. But this room doesn't have those colorful paintings.

That reminds me of the time when we were painting our baby room. Even after I had asked you not to, you hand painted every detail of the room. Those were such good times, weren't they? Please bring her here angel. Even I want to see her face. I love and miss both of you very much.

And I am not writing this because I want to flatter you. It is the truth. I love you from the bottom of my heart. And as they say 'Distance makes hearts grow fonder,' I have loved you more every day. Communication with you would have been easier if they allowed me a phone, but Taehyung says he is trying. I can't wait to hear your pretty voice again.

I can't wait to get out of here and hold you close to me like I used to. I want to hold you in my embrace as you press your back softly into my chest. I want to brush off the stray hair that falls on your face escaping your bun. I want to hear you rant about your favorite pop stars and books. I want to feed into your coffee addiction. I want to sleep on your lap again as you hum the tunes of our song. But that will be possible when you come back, won't it? I can't wait.

I want to be the best dad to my little daughter. I want to pick her up from school every day. I want to hold her in my arms. Please do something about it.

I am sending you all of my love. I also made a painting for you. It's your birthday, isn't it? Happy Birthday Angel. You thought I forgot didn't you? I will send it over with Taehyung.


Your sexy, cutie, lovely husband


As Jimin finished writing his love letter to you, Taehyung softly opened the door, popping his head in. Taehyung smiled sadly at his friend, dressed in white top to bottom, who was writing yet another letter to you. "Ah, Taehyung-ah you finally came. I was finished with my letter too. Also give this to her" Jimin said excitedly as he handed over the painting and the letter to his friend.

"When you come back, tell me all about her reaction. I miss her and want to see her" Jimin whined. "But you could get me a picture of her reaction right?" Jimin asked, full of hope. "You know, this place doesn't allow it, right Jimin. But I will try to get it" Taehyung said, lying through his teeth. "Ok. Also remember to take her a box of chocolates. It is her birthday" Jimin said excitedly as his nose quivered like a puppy's.

"But why am I here, in hospital, Taehyung? I feel completely fine" Jimin said while doing push-ups to let Taehyung know about his physical well being. "I... you have some kind of illness. But the doctor says you will be healed within a couple of months" Taehyung tried to reassure his friend. "Ok. But remember the chocolates" Jimin said once again as he ranted about how you had celebrated your previous birthdays with him. Taehyung nodded and left the room after spending some more time with Jimin.

Taehyung's eyes were welling up once again as he departed from the mental asylum. The impact of your death had been severe in Jimin's life. It was not just yours but also the baby which was growing in your womb. Jimin couldn't take the blow. He couldn't take it because Jimin was the one driving the car. He was the reason for you and your child's death. This had inflicted a deep mental trauma in Jimin. His mind completely sidelined the incident and made Jimin think that his family is out there. Taehyung sat in his car in silence and let his tears fall.

He then drove over to the graveyard where your tomb lay. Sitting on his knees, he laid yet another letter on the pile of letters that had formed around your tomb. "Happy Birthday" he whispered.

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