eight - when I've conquered my fears

Start from the beginning

You nearly scream as a mass of snakes launch themselves off of the shore and onto the District 7 boy, who shrieks in pain. The snakes are in the goddamn water, and he's splashing and writhing so frantically that it looks like a manic dance. 

Levi's hand tightens on your arm, trying to keep you grounded. You appreciate the anchor, because you're dangerously close to spiraling into panic.

The boy goes still. The snakes writhe in the water, some making their way back towards shore and others going with the current. The District 7 boy is laying in the water on his back, unmoving. Ten seconds later, a cannon fires.

You have to suppress a sob. So they're venomous. Why the fuck haven't they attacked you yet?

"Not the water," Levi mutters, and if you were in your right mind, you'd smack him for stating the obvious. "Trees. We can climb."

"Why aren't they-" you gulp, desperate for air, because your brain feels desperately devoid of oxygen- "why aren't they attacking us?"

He doesn't answer. So maybe he doesn't know either. If these snakes can swim, then who says they can't climb? You squeeze your eyes shut, then reopen, refusing to entertain the thought. 

Levi's hand leaves your arm, and he takes a step towards the nearest tree.

Half of the snakes perk up, heads rising higher, tongues poking out again. Right- snakes use their tongue to help them smell. There's been a decent bit of tongue flicking. Do they like the scent? The scent of what, exactly? You and Levi, who are sweaty and haven't showered since...

Something clicks.

Don't mention the scent.

The gloves. The gloves you got were scented, something pleasantly rose-like that you were strictly told not to mention. You glance at Levi- he too is wearing his gloves, and as he outstretches his free hand towards the branch of one of the trees, you see some of the snakes follow his hand movements.

It's the gloves. The scent on them- for whatever reason, they recognize the scent and they're not attacking you because of it. That has to be it.

"Em," Levi whispers, and you glance from the snakes to him. "Come on."

Somehow, hearing the nickname come out of Levi's mouth for the first time calms you down enough to focus on the situation at hand. Heart beating wildly in your chest, you shuffle slightly towards Levi, tucking your knife away to give yourself a free hand. More snakes perk up, curious about your movements. You have to swallow the urge to scream as you take a full step and the snakes move closer.

You're right next to Levi now, right at the tree. The snakes are maybe a foot away, swaying on the ground. They're hissing, like a dull background noise. You lean towards Levi, and your voice drops to a whisper, praying that the Capitol mics won't pick it up with the help of the hissing snakes. "I think it's the gloves. The- the scent."

Levi's eyes widen slightly. His eyes flicker to your gloved hands, then his. He nods: he agrees. You nod in return, swallowing the lump in your throat. 

Carefully, he reaches up. Levi steps onto one branch and hoists himself up, sword still gripped tight in his other hand. The crack of the branch under his shoe makes some of the snakes rear back. You have no desire to be around them any longer than you have to be, and you settle your foot on a low branch, then push yourself up.

As soon as you're no longer on the ground, the snakes swarm the base of the tree. "Holy fuck," you whisper, and even though you're hopeful that they're not going to hurt you, the panicky feeling in your chest is still there. "Holy fucking shit."

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