Konoha, Assemble!

Start from the beginning

"So, wanna eat at the ramen shop? I'll pay. Since you're 'new' here" Kuno chirped while leading me to our usual ramen shop we usually used to eat when we're little.

So we then went to the ramen shop and we met someone familliar......

******** Somewhere in the middle of the Konoha's busiest streets*********

Yokomomo's POV as @MissEvershade

"King Dedede!!!!!" I yelled while drawing King Dedede at the middle of the streets using my clan's magical pen that was inherited by my late grandmother.

"T.O.P!!!" she yelled.

Yes.I have an older sister. 18 years old. A jounin. Her name's Yokeitaro Sitake.

Then, an image of a cool man with blue hair with a pair of spectacles appeared with a mic in his right hand. I sweatdropped while she just grinned mischievously and sweatdropped too.

The people in the streets were amazed and their jaws dropped.

"Nice drawing, sister." I sighed and she replied with her nice girl pose. ( a girl version of Rock Lee's nice guy pose.)

"You too, Yoko. You can draw King Dedede in just seconds! I almost thought that you have surpassed me but to improve, you can draw characters that can be more handier during real battles." she lectured at me for a moment. Sometimes one of her lectures can save my life!

Out of the blue, my tummy then started to growl menacingly. Taro (a nickname for my sister) stared at me with bewilderment and we both started to laugh and she patted at me on the back.

"Haha. Well then. Let's eat at the ramen shop near our house. My pay." she winked at me and I agreed happily.

We then went to the ramen shop and we met someone familiar....

**********Somewhere in the Konoha training grounds**********

Katsumi Miyamoto as @leahxjxliddle

"Gyaaaah!" Akira Tanaka yelled as she throw her powerful paper cutter towards me.

I was a bit nervous to see her force when she threw her sharp paper cutter swiftly and the sharp edge of the paper cutter sliced me in half.

But luckily I used genjutsu in time and the sliced me became a sliced peice of wooden log.

"Wait, wha-" As Akira was shocked, I took the opportunity to make her yield by using my kunai and point it at her throat. When she turned she knew that she had no choice but to yield...

"I yield. And yes. I will pay for our dinner." she sighed as she went to the corner of the training grounds to take her green ninja coat and her book. I like to read books. But she LOVES books. Her clan's a pure genius. More genius than the Nara clan. She has the ability to find hidden answers from the universe.

We then went to the ramen shop and we met someone familliar......

Narrator's POV

The Nasato sisters, the Sitake sisters, a Miyamoto and a Tanaka stared with bewilderment while rubbing their eyes over and over again as if they don't believe this fate.

"Akira..?" Harumi asked with wide eyes and tears foamed between her eyes. Again,

"Harumi....?" Akira then asked with her right eyebrows raised.

"Yokomomo Sitake and Yokeitaro Sitake? Are you kidding me?" Katsumi asked with a pretty shocked face.

"Katsumi?" Kusunoki stared widely at Katsumi,

And awkward silence fell over.

All of the girls hugged each other and greeted and talked..

Until the messenger from the Hokage asked all of them to go to his office. Immediately.

--le time skip 10 mins later---

They went to the Hokage's office room silently without a single word and to make things exaggerate, the messenger is a worse than a chatterbox! Luckily they shut him up real good by using Katsumi's hypnotizing voice. All the other girls used ear buds so they didn't get hypnotized.

"Yes, Hokage? the girls all went to his room at the same time before they realized that they forgot to knock the door to show respect.

As the Hokage turned, he was kinda surprised when he saw a group of girls that smelled like ramen in front of him.

"The messeger was quite quick for a chatterbox." he replied, and the girls gave him a wtf look.

"Girls, I'm so lucky for you to be here. The wardrobe of the other world was glowing. As if someone was going to stay here. And I am counting on all of you to take care of the person that will step a foot in this world.And you have my word of honour. And for addition, I'll give each of you 9000 yens per two months." he stated matter-o-factly.


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