Chapter 21: What are we?

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The afternoon before the wedding Luther held a bachelor party.

"Hey Luther, where you going?" Phoebe asked as she saw him walking down a corridor holding a bottle of some form of alcohol.

"Oh um nowhere, ha." He replied nervously, clearly hiding something.

"Have fun at the bachelor party." She said as she walked away.

"Stop reading peoples minds, Phoebe." Luther said trying to sound cross but he appeared more embarrassed than cross. she just waved at him before turning the corner. 

As she walked round the hotel looking for some kind of entertainment, she passed a room and heard Ben and Sloane talking so she decided to listen from outside the door.

"I'm sorry they didn't invite to their bachelor party." Sloane said putting her wedding gown down and taking hold of Bens hands. 

"I don't care about that." Ben replied and Phoebe could tell, without reading his mind, that he didn't mean it.

"Yes you do. You care more about not being invited than you do saving the world." Sloane replied and Phoebe read his mind to see that she spoke the truth.

"That's crazy." Ben denied.

"Is it? It's always been the 7 of us, so congratulations Ben, you're finally number one. Of one. " Sloane said and Phoebe heard the slight hit of sarcasm in her voice. She got up and walked over to the window, sighing quietly.

"What's so damn special about them anyway?" Ben asked, meaning the Umbrellas and his words stung Phoebe slightly.

"They're a real family who don't exist to sell action figures and tote bags like us." Sloane said remaining calm.

"We were more than that." Ben argued.

"Were we?" Questioned Sloane. "Why is it so important for you to be a Sparrow anyway?" She asked as Ben turned to walk out the room.

"Because I have nothing else." He said quietly hoping Sloane didn't hear him.

"What about Phoebe?" She asked before he left the room.

"Yeah what about me? Am I nothing?" Phoebe sked stepping into the room her face full of hurt.

"How long have you been there?" Ben asked, ignoring the look on Phoebes face.

"Why does that matter. Do I really mean that little to you?" She asked trying to swallow the tears that threatened to spill.

"I- No of course not Phoebe. You how much you mean to me." Ben replied struggling to form words.

"Really?" Phoebe scoffed. "I come back from the Academy to find you arguing with Diego about something irrelevant instead of looking for me, and now you're saying I mean nothing to you?" Phoebe said, the anger replacing the tears. "What even are we?" Phoebe asked trying to hide the hurt she was beginning to feel

"If you had come straight to me after escaping the Kugelblitz then I wouldn't have been worried." Ben replied back not answering Phoebes question.

"Oh so it's my fault then? Fuck you." She snapped before storming out the room. Ben went to follow her but once again Sloane stopped him.

"You've done enough, give her time to calm down." She told him, glaring as she walked past him to follow Phoebe. She soon found her crying in a corner of a nearby corridor.

"Hey Phoebe?" She asked gently and Phoebe looked up before moving to the side slightly to let Sloane sit down. Sloane wrapping her arm around Phoebe and let her cry until she had no more tears left.

"What went wrong, Sloane?" Phoebe asked, her voice still wobbly. 

"He's never felt this way about anyone before Phoebe. I've never seen him like this with anyone. He was no idea what he's doing half the time. I know that's no excuses for his actions but you need to understand he's doing his best, plus the world is ending so there's that too." Sloane explained, getting a slight laugh out of Phoebe with saying the world is ending. 

"Does he not realise that I have no idea what I'm doing either. He's the first person to truly see me for what I am and not an object or tool." Phoebe replied. "Well he sees it now." She added as she remembered why Ben wanted her in the first place.

"You know Phoebe, I think he used that as an excuse. He didn't need you for anything that someone else couldn't have done which is why I think he's always felt this way about you." Sloane admitted.

"But he suffocated me?" Phoebe said.

"Sometimes people turn their feelings of love into hate because it's easier to express, I also think he panicked slightly Phoebe." 

Phoebes eyes suddenly widened slightly as she began replaying her first interaction she had with Ben alone.

"When I first met Ben as a human, after he had a suspicion of my mind reading, he tried to shut his mind off to me but then after a while of begin in the academy he didn't bother as much." She said trying to work out why this was.

"Because he'd found a way of controlling his feeling for you and shutting them off." Sloane said, her face showing signs of excitement.

"I should apologies, I send some things I shouldn't have said." Phoebe said getting up. Sloane stopped her before she could go find Ben.

"Explain to him, you explain to him and he'll explain to you. Come find me when you've spoken to him, I think I've found a dress that might suit you." Sloane said and there was a twinkle in her eyes. 
It took Phoebe almost half an hour to find Ben but eventually she did.

"Ben." She said awkwardly as she stood in the doorway of the room he was in.
"Phoebe!" He said relieved.

"Look, I'm sorry for the things I said. I didn't mean them, it's just I've never felt this way for someone before so all this," Phoebe pointed at both herself and Ben. "Is new to me." She finished off, forcing herself to look at Ben.

"I'm the one how should be apologising, not you. I shouldn't have said the things I said. It's in no way you're fault. I should have come looking for you but I didn't want to, in case I couldn't find you." Ben confessed taking hold of Phoebes hands.

"all that matters now, is I'm here and the world is ending and we have a wedding to attend." Phoebe replied smiling at Ben. He rolled his eyes before retuning the smile and pulling Phoebe into his arms. When Phoebe pulled away, she looked at Ben before asking.

"What even are we? Her voice was steady but eyes revealed the she wanted an answer.
"What do you want us to be?" Ben replied, ready to listen to her answer.

"I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, whether its a couple of hours or a couple of days."
"Then that it shall be." Ben said before they shared a kiss.

Chapter 21 is done

sorry it's a long chapter.

So Ben and Phoebe had another argument but have they finally sorted out their troubles also what is this dress that Sloane has found for Phoebe?


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