chapter 8: She tried.

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"This could have been so easy for you Phoebe." Ben said as they neared the academy.
"But you knew it wouldn't be, that's why you brought back up." Responded Phoebe.
"How does she know this kinda shit?" Jayme asked clearly amazed by Phoebe.
"Its common sense that's all." Phoebe replied.
"You're hiding something that's what it is." Ben said quietly as the five of them snuck into the academy. 
As Ben half led half dragged Phoebe across the landing of the Academy, the others left to their rooms until it was just Ben and Phoebe. Ben continued leading her to the end of the landing where a spare room was. A door opened to Phoebe's left and out came the Sparrow that could make things levitate.
"Ben, what's going on? Who's that?" She asked pointing at Phoebe.
"Never you mind Number 5." He snapped. While Ben and 'number 5' were talking, Phoebe was studying the door.

The outside of the door had no keyhole just a latch, "to stop me from shifting and escaping." Phoebe thought to herself. She was brought back to reality when Ben gave her a shove. She fell into the room and Ben slammed it shut behind her. She heard the faint sound of the latch being pulled across before recededing footsteps. The room inside wasn't bad but it wasn't good either, "bit of a pathetic excuse for a bedroom." She thought to herself before exploring it some more. It was furnished with a desk, chair and a comfy looking bed. The floor was carpeted but one unusual thing was it didn't have any windows. "Another prevention to keep me here." Phoebe thought to herself as she sat on the bed. With the room not having any windows, Phoebe lost track of time very quickly and after what seemed like forever she heard the latch move and the door opened a tiny bit allowing a streak of light into the room. Phoebe reached down to her foot for a knife and used her animal eyes to get a look at who had entered the room.

"Hey, it's Phoebe right?" She whispered closing the door quietly.
"You're the one I saw earlier." Phoebe answered walking over to her.
"Yeah, I'm Sloane." She replied smiling at Phoebe.
"Did Ben send you?" She asked with suspicion and also reading her mind.
"No, infact Ben has told us no one is allowed in here. Not yet at least." She replied trying to reassure Phoebe.
"Then why are you in here?"
"I came to see how your doing. I saw the look on your face when you saw the room."
"Well I'm fine." Phoebe said defensively trying not to show just how not fine she really was. Sloane gave her a small sad smile before walking to the door.
"I'm really sorry for this. You seem really nice." Phoebe whispered to Sloane before slamming her head into the wall by the door, knocking her out.

Phoebe opened the door and snuck out, making sure to close and lock the door to stop Sloane from getting out. She snuck down the stairs and heading for the door when someone slammed her into the wall by her shoulder.
"Remember me?" Phoebe looked up and saw Jayme pinning her against the wall.
"Fuck." Phoebe replied looking for an escape. She soon found one and it came in the form of kicking Jayme in the stomach causing her to stumbled backwards and let go of Phoebe.

Phoebe began running through the academy, looking for any form of exit like a window or a door. She ran down corridor after corridor trying to outrun the flock of ravens Fei had sent after her. With her focus on the birds she didn't notice a door open and before anything could be done she felt herself pulled into another room.
"Did you really think I wouldn't have people watching for when you made an escape?" Ben said, having a firm hold of her arm.
Phoebe froze for a second as she figured out how to get out of Ben's grip. Not wasting anymore time, Phoebe grabbed one of her knives and stabbed Ben in the arm. He immediately let go of her a chance to run.
"You bitch!" He yelled.
She swung the door open and continued running until she eventually came to a dead end. Turning round she saw Jayme, Fei and Ben who was holding his arm blood seeping from the wound.

Ben started to walk towards Phoebe while the other two stayed back incase she tried an escape.
"Did you really think you'd get far?" Ben asked her almost taunting her.
"I hoped I'd get further than I have done." Phoebe replied, feeling slightly guilty she knocked out Sloane for no reason.
"Well we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. I'll give you the choice." Ben said with a smirk and he took a step closer to her.
"If you think I'm just gonna follow you back to where I escaped from, you can fucking think again!" Phoebe yelled, hoping to attract Marcus.
"Ben you need to do something, she's gonna get Marcus's attention with all this noise." Fei warned and Phoebe looked at Ben with a smile on her face.
"That's what she wants to do. The hard way it is then." Ben replied, deciding for Phoebe.

He unleashed the tentacles on Phoebe and they wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms by her side. His aim was to suffocate Phoebe into a state of unconsciousness but she had other ideas. She bent her leg backwards just enough to reach for the remaining knife but with a warning from Jayme, Ben brought Phoebe to her knees and stood on the backs of her legs, stopping her from getting to the knife.
"Fuck!" Phoebe cursed at Ben but he just smirked at her. The end of one of Ben's tentacles covered her mouth and nose, slowly suffocating her. The last thing Phoebe saw before she passed out was Ben's smirk.

Chapter 8 is done.

Well Phoebe tried but failed to escape. What will this mean for her??


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