Chapter 3: concern.

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They all met up at a local park, everyone somewhat alive.
"So Ben's alive in this timeline. That's new." Klaus observed lying down on one of the benches. Phoebe lept onto a different bench and laid down, letting out a sigh of defeat.
"Yeah and he's a total dickhead." Allison added.
"They're all dickheads." Diego inputted.
"Dickheads who can fight." Finished Luther.
"Alright, next person to say dickhead is getting punched in the throat. Everyone repeated the word dickhead and Phoebe made some kind of wolf noise that translated to dickhead.
"Oh and Ben's oddly curious about Phoebe." Five mentioned.
"I mean who wouldn't be? We brought a wolf to a fight. Couldn't you have at least chosen something bigger, more powerful?" Allison asked. Phoebe glared at Allison and let out a low growl.
"We can just go back in time with the briefcase if we have to right Five?" Viktor suggested.
"No because I don't have the briefcase." Five said bluntly and for his answer he received a scratch from Phoebe's claws.
"I guess I deserve that." Five muttered.
"We need a plan. Someplace we can go without being judged." Viktor said trying to be helpful. Everyone turned to Klaus who was busy spinning around in circles.

"Hotel Oblivion. Back in her days she was host to many a people including-" klaus began talking but was cut off by Allison.
"I don't care about the history of the dam place Klaus! I'm going to find a phone." She stormed off and the others went to the main desk, where after some faff they were about to get two rooms. At this point Allison came back and they went to their rooms. Luther, Diego, Klaus and Five in one room, Allison, Viktor and Phoebe in the other. Once in the room, Phoebe found some clothes and an empty room to shift back. After 20 minutes she emerged as a human again.
"Oh that's better." She said stretching. Another thing about Phoebe is that's she's incredibly flexible which comes in handy when fighting hand to hand combat.
"What now?" She asked Allison and Viktor.
"I'm going to see Claire." Allsion said walking to the door.
"Go live your life, you deserve it." Viktor reassured her. Phoebe waited till Allison left before rolling her eyes and walking down to the lobby where she saw Five, Klaus, Diego and Luther eating.

"Yayy!! You're you again." Klaus said clapping his hands before giving her a hug.
"Yep. Five-"
"A word. Let's go." Five finishing her sentence. They left and went to the other side of the lobby.
"You need to be careful. Ben was asking too many questions about you." Five warned.
"Yeah but I was a wolf. It's unusual to have an animal in a fight."Phoebe argued.
"No this was different. He knows the others have powers so if he's not stupid he'll suspect you're different."
"So what are you suggesting then?"
"Be careful. That's all I'm asking." Five said.
"Alright. Also Allison's gone to find Claire to attempt a normal life." Phobe replied before walking away and sitting next to Klaus.
"What was that about?" He asked being nosy.
"Nothing just something about the Sparrows that's all." She replied trying not to make it anything big.
"Huh? Nothing big? The Sparrows? You wanna tell us what that was about?" Diego asked.
"Nope, not really. Hey what don't you go see what Lila wants?" Phoebe asked changing the subject. Diego turned round and saw Lila turn and run down a corridor. Diego left and ran after her.
"I'm gonna go take a shower. See ya." Phoebe said to Klaus and whoever else was listening.
"Nicely dodged." Five whispered to Phoeb as the walked past each other.

The Sparrows pov.

Chapter 3 is done.
Did I deliberately end this chapter by saying the Sparrows pov? Yes, yes I did. The next chapter will be about the Sparrows and the aftermath of the fight.

Five is concerned for the safety of Phoebe but will she listen to him? Why is Lila here? How will they fix the time line without a briefcase?


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