Chapter 15: 'Disowned'

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Diego, Luther, Allison and Viktor made their way over to the Sparrows.
"Phoebe what the hell are you doing with those assholes?" Diego asked demandingly. Ben placed an arm infront of Phoebe, whether it was to protect her  from the umbrellas or to stop her going back to them, she didn't know but it seemed to anger Diego.
"Thank you for coming." Viktor said breaking the silence.
"Oh yeah super happy to be here." Jayme replied sarcastically.
"Where's the rest?" Phoebe asked looking round.
"Taking attendance are you?" Diego asked still clearly pissed off with her.
The look of disappointment and shock on the others faces made Phoebe regret her decision but before she could do anything Allison spoke.
"Where's the briefcase?"
"Where's are brother?" Ben asked not wanting to waste time.
"Maybe we should try this again before I lose my temper. Where is the briefcase?" Allison asked this time more firmly.
"The deals off." Ben said and Phoebe could sense he was preparing for a fight.

Phoebe started cracking her knuckles, getting ready to go after Diego when Ben whispered to her.
"Just wait. It'll be worth it."
As Phoebe relaxed her hands slightly, they lightly brushed against Ben's and she saw him fight the redness that appeared in his cheeks.

"Now Chris!" Ben shouted and the cube turned a deep red colour before the umbrella academy appeared to be in some kind of pain, rendering them powerless.
"I heard- I heard a rumour- you- were-" Allison tried to say.
"All going to die?" Ben finished off smiling at them all.
"Kill them." He said to the Sparrows. Phoebe took this chance to go after Diego but something felt off.

She looked to see the elevator doors open and an oldish guy walk out, wearing headphones. He got within a few meters of them all before removing his headphones.
"Ben pull back!" Phoebe shouted but it had no effect. The old guy unleashed a blast similar to Viktors only with added fire. Ben and Fei moved away in time but Jayme and Alphonso didn't and the blast hit them, killing them instantly. Phoebe felt herself thrown to the ground by the blast but was able to get back up. To her left she saw Sloane lying motionless but could hear a faint heart beat from her. Phoebe ran over towards Ben but didn't make it close enough before Diego knocked her to the ground, stopping her from getting away. Ben looked at her, his face full of hesitation.
"Go!" Phoebe said trying to fight Diego.
"Lets go Ben!" Fei said practically dragging him away. He cast one final look back but Phoebe was too busy trying to fight Diego to see it.

"Diego why the fuck are you sat on Phoebe pinning her to the ground?" Five asked appearing out of thin air.
"Because she was with the Sparrows." Diego replied, digging the blunt end of one of his knives into her ribs causing her to yelp in pain.
"Well this looks fun." Klaus said ad he joined the others. " What did I miss?" He asked not understanding the situation.
"Get off her. Why don't you help Luther-" Five stopped to look round and figure out what to say. "Catch the floaty one. She's doing a runner." He finished off. He reluctantly left Phoebe but not before whispering in her ear.

Five gave her a hand up but when she tried to do a runner, Five took hold of her wrist. Tightly.
"Five let me go!" She said trying to pull her arm free. He brought her closer to him and put her in a head lock.
"Not until you explain what the fuck you're playing at." He hissed at her.
She snarled at him before kicking his knee backwards. He immediately let go of her and she ran to the door. Before Diego disappeared round a corner, he threw one of his knives at Phoebe which grazed her arm leaving a dead wound.
"Asshole!" She screamed at him while continuing for an escape.

"If you leave now that's it, you're no part of the family!" Five shouted at her and she stopped.
"I never was!" She spat and she saw her words were like a slap to the face for Five. She ran from the hotel still clutching her arm. It didn't take her long to get to the Academy where once inside she found Ben and Fei telling Reginald what happened.
"Jayme, Alphonso and Sloane are dead." Ben told his father.
"Sloane's alive. Its just the other two that died." Phoebe corrected him from the doorway. Something flashed across Ben's face and Phoebe could have sworn it was relief but it didn't last long as Fei sent some of her ravens to attack Phoebe.

"You knew!" She shouted at Phoebe. "You knew that old man was going to be there! You sent us into a trap!"
"Fei stop!" Ben yelled before he could stop himself. Fei scoffed but she didn't stop the ravens. They continued to peck and scratch Phoebe with their beaks.
"I DIDN'T KNOW!" Phoebe cried out through the tears. " I swear I had no idea." She said weakly.
"Fei!" Ben said warningly and she finally let the ravens stop.
"Who is he?" Ben asked her but there was no demand, no threat behind his gently tone.
"His name is Harlan, Viktor looked after him when we were in Dallas. I'm guessing when Viktor took away the power he accidently gave Harlan, he didn't take it all. I swear I didn't know about him. When I saw him, I read his mind and saw what was going to happen-"
"Then why didn't you tell us!?" Fei asked demanding an answer. She took a step closer to Phoebe but Ben stepped infront of her.
"I tried to tell you. I told Ben to pull back but it was too late." Phoebe said from behind Ben.
"Yeah right." Scoffed Fei before she left along with her ravens and Christopher.

Ben turned and looked at Phoebe who was very pale. She took her hand away from her arm to see the cut Diego gave her was still bleeding pretty heavily.
"Shit, that's not good." Phoebe said lightly before promptly passing out. Ben was ready to catch her as she did so and carried her to Grace.

Chapter 15 is done

Atually love this chapter ❤

Ahhhh is Ben falling for Phoebe????
Also Fei clearly hates Phoebe now.
What will the Umbrellas do now theyev officially 'disowned' her???

Thank you for the support on this story, I've never had over a 1000 reads within like 2 weeks of publishing a story. It means alot to me ❤❤❤


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