Chapter 16: Falling for you

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At the Hotel

Luther, Diego and Allison caught up with Sloane while Viktor went after Harlan.

Luther chased Sloane into the bathroom where he was able to try and protect her from Diego and Allison.
"I won't let you hurt her!" Luther said to Diego, firmly standing infron of Sloane.
"You'll have to kill me too then." Allison replied glaring at Sloane and Luther. While Allison and Luther were arguing, Sloane saw this as an opportunity to make a run for it but Diego got to her first. He held one of his knives at her neck, looking at Luther.
"Diego let her go!" He said and Diego saw the fear in his eyes.
"She's gonna tell us where the briefcase is." Allison said walking over to Sloane.
"I heard a rumour, you were going to tell us where the briefcase is." Allison said.

As Sloane fought Allisons power, Luther became more visibly concerned.
"Where is it!?" Allison demanded as Sloans nose began to bleed.
"I DON'T KNOW!" She shouted and Allison scoffed before walking away. Diego eventually let go of Sloane and followed Allison out.
"Do not let her out of your sight Luther!" Diego commanded as he left.

"Five where the hell is Phoebe!?" Diego yelled as he looked around the lobby for her.
"She left. I told her if you left, she wouldn't be considered part of the family again." Five replied from the bar.
"She never was." Diego scoffed before getting a drink.
"Yeah I know." Mutter Five under his breath.

At the Sparrow Acadmey

Phoebe suddenly gasped and sat up looking round.
"Fucking hell." She muttered as she looked round and found herself lying on the couch in the main room of the Academy. Ben looked at her for a second before he spoke.
"How you feeling?" He asked surprising Phoebe.
"Oh amazing." She replied sarcastically, looking at her arm.
"Wow, Diego really wanted to leave a mark." She said.
"Wait, Diego did that?" Ben asked looking at the stitches.
"Yeah, before I left the hotel. There's more though isn't there?" Phoebe asked as she looked at Ben's expression.
"Yeah, the blast Harlan caused. It caught the back of your shoulder. Created a pretty nasty burn. Why didn't you tell me?" Ben asked with an expression of unmistakable hurt.
"I got a bit distracted by Feis birds trying to peck me to death. Why do you care?" Phoebe replied not caring how she sounded. Ben looked away from her and she scoffed. She got up and started walking away. Ben took hold of her arm gently and pulled her back.

They were stood, face inches apart from each other. Phoebe could feel Ben's breath on her face and she couldn't fight the heat that rose from her neck or the fluttering feeling she felt in her stomach.
"Ben-" Phoebe tried to say but she was cut off by Ben's lips pressed against hers. She stood in shock until Ben pulled away.
"I'm sorry." Ben apologied to Phoebe after taking in her look of surprise. He began moving away from her when Phoebe pressed her lips against his.
"Don't apologies." She whispered when they broke apart.

Fei cleared her throat from where she stood by the doorway. Phoebe moved away looking embarrassed while Ben looked at Fei.
"What?" He asked annoyed.
"The umbrellas want to meet after dark. Something to do with them giving Sloane back in return for-" Fei begun to explain.
"Let me guess, the briefcase?" Phoebe asked and Fei looked at her as if she'd forgotten she was stood there.
"Yeah, they're gonna give us Sloane and the bodies if we give them the case."
"The bodies? You mean our siblings, Jayme and Alphonso or have you already forgotten about them?" Ben corrected her.
"You know what I meant."
"What about Harlan, you aren't just gonna let him get away with it right?" Questioned Phoebe.
"No. No I aren't." Ben replied, casting a small smile in Phoebe's direction. Fei rolled her eyes before leaving.
"Feel free to raid Sloane wardrobe for something comfy to wear, I'm sure she won't mind." Ben said taking a step closer towards Phoebe.
"Thanks." She replied walking to the stairs. "Are you sure it's a good idea me coming with you to meet?" Phoebe asked pausing on the stairs.
"I want you there." Ben replied as he walked into the kitchen.

As night fell Phoebe Ben and Fei waited for Allison, Luther, Diego and Sloane to arrive.
"We want the old guy too." Ben demanded as Sloane walked over to them.
"Ben, he isn't with them." Sloane said trying to persuade Ben to drop it.
"He killed our siblings, Sloane. He needs to pay." Ben replied.
"Sorry he isn't part of the deal. Now Where's the briefcase." Allison said.
"No old guy, no case." Ben said simply.
"Woah, that was not part of the deal." Diego inputted.
"It is now." Phoebe said firmly.
"Since when do you get a say in this!?" Diego asked taking a step towards Phoebe, a knife in his hand. Ben took a step forwards, gently pulling Phoebe closer to him.
"Oh I see how it is." Scoffed Diego.
"Look are we done here?" Ben asked impatiently.
"You can have Harlan." Allison replied and that was that. Ben, Phoebe, Sloane and Fei left with the dead bodies while Diego, Luther and Allison left empty handed.

"Is that my jacket?" Sloane asked Phoebe once they got back to the Acadmey.
"Oh yeah, Ben said I could raid your wardrobe. I hope you don't mind." She replied.
"Oh yeah it's fine, suits you better than it did me." Sloane said with a smile. She headed upstairs and Phoebe followed closely behind.
"Hey um the umbrellas didn't hurt you did they?" Phoebe asked awkwardly.
"Apart from Allison trying to melt my brain, not at all. What happened between you and Ben?" She asked with a smile.
"Well, he's not that bad atually." Phoebe said laughing slightly.
"I knew you'd get along soon enough." Sloane said hugging Phoebe.

Chapter 16 is done.

Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes I haven't got much time to publish thus chapter

Ahhhh I think this might be my fave chapter so far

So Ben clearly is falling for Phoebe. Allison is still desperate to get to a different timeline and Diego hates Phoebe now. What will happen when the two families are forced to work together??


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