Chapter 01: Goodbye cruel world

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Have you ever felt that uneasy feeling in your life, as if something terrible was going to happen at any moment in your life?

That same feeling was what I was feeling right now. An uneasy feeling made my hands and feet drenched in a cold sweat. My heart, beating faster than usual, now had a layer of coldness covering it.

I was anxious, extremely anxious, and a little fearful of what I was going to face today.

I calmed my pounding heart, and with my mind submerged in my thoughts, I left my room to go down to the first floor.

My house was as quiet as ever. However, it was no wonder that no one lived in this home besides me. Not that I had parents in the first place... I didn't. I was raised by a kind, elderly couple who picked me up at their front door. Sadly, their life spans ended two years ago, leaving me alone in this world.

I miss them dearly.

I don't have a friend either, let alone a girlfriend. As a human, I feel very lonely.

Humans are social creatures, so they needed a group to socialize and start bonding for the future, something I don't have and may never have.

This left me alone in the house.

"... I'm hungry," I mumbled and opened the kitchen door to make myself breakfast. A relatively simple and light breakfast. However, even though the food was simple, it was pretty delicious.

"Ahhh, this is good...". With a satisfied smile at my delicious meal, I relaxed in the chair and patted my stomach.

"... Should I go to school? Mmm, the only good thing about that place is the terrace where I can relax. Besides, it seems to me that something is going to happen today. I don't know if that "something" is a good situation or a misfortune."

I sketched a wry smile.

"Considering my incredible luck that rivals that of the Lucky Goddess, it's most likely misfortune. Sigh~"

'Meh, who cares.'

Letting out a lazy sigh and predicting my bleak future, I got up from my chair and put on my school uniform. A white t-shirt with a tie hanging haphazardly from my collar and a black jacket resting over my shoulders. Underneath a pair of black pants and a black shoe that shined because of how clean it was.

With everything ready, I put on my wallet, where I carried everything I needed, although I hardly ever used it. Finally, I opened the doors. I put my hands in front of my eyes to protect myself from the sudden onslaught of sunlight.

"Fuck. First thing in the morning, I'm almost blind already." I cursed aloud and closed the door to the house.

Inhaling a big breath of air, which was not pure or fresh due to 21st-century pollution, I took the first step forward, not knowing what awaited me on my way to school.

Walking down the street, I watched the different types of transportation passing by on the main road. Some were speeding along, impatient, while others were driving more calmly. Although I wanted a means of transportation, a car specifically, unfortunately, the monthly money that comes into my pockets from my part-time job is not enough to afford to buy one. This is even more so because I have to pay my daily expenses.

"How hard life is...".

With that little murmur, I remembered what I had experienced a few months ago.

Because of a bit of trouble, I had at school, for almost killing the school bullies with my fists, the teachers expelled me for six months from the institution. During that time, I did nothing but go to my workplace, which was only a block away from my house. And during my free time, I enjoyed some excellent light novels, which, to be honest, we're pretty good.

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