"How are you holding up?" The smoke filtered out from between my lips as I spoke. "You look alright."

"I've been here 30 minutes," she laughed humorlessly, shaking her head and pulling her gaze away from mine in that familiar way that told me she was trying not to cry. "I know it's stupid, we weren't properly together that long. I just really liked him, you know. I got used to having him around."

"I knew he was a twat."

Expectedly, Anna rolled her eyes - but it seemed as though my attempt to make light of a shit situation was the final push, a single tear rolling down her cheek. When I saw a few more join it, I pulled her into my side, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

The cigarette wobbled from between my lips as I spoke carefully to keep it in place. "C'mon, Ann. You'll be alright. Us men are just idiots, yeah? The lot of us, myself included. He doesn't know what he's missing."

"I know."

I reached one hand up to pull the cigarette from my lips so I could plant a kiss on her forehead. "And we're quite the pair, we've been through some tough shit. I've got your back, you'll be alright."

"I know."

"Say the word and I'll kick his arse."

We began walking again with no particular destination, just enjoying one another's company. A comfortable silence surrounded us, the segue natural from the topic prior.

"How's your lady?" She asked inquisitively, sounding genuinely interested. While it was refreshing to speak about Rory, given the few that knew about her, I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk. "I'm pleasantly surprised, Finn. I told you, when we met briefly, she seems quite cool. A wonderful improvement from anyone I've met before."

"You've only met Bridgette."

"Right, and that one you were banging. Not a fan."

I cringed, remembering the awkward run-in. My chest did swell with pride when it came to Rory, though my head was taken over by uncertainty. "Right, yeah. Rory is good."

She was quiet and naturally, that was my encouragement to ramble. I didn't need much of a push, so much on my mind in the three weeks since I'd seen her last.

"I'm crazy about her but she does my head in," I sighed, taking a final drag of the cigarette before tossing it and stomping it out. "She was meant to be here this weekend. I was literally about to book it, had the flight picked and everything. I wanted her here, it's a big deal we're playing this. She loves music, it just made sense. And she said no, said some work shit is going on. But I know better, I know she doesn't want to be seen with me."

"Are you sure you're not jumping to conclusions?"

"No, I'm not," I muttered, shaking my head and staring down at my feet as we walked. "I know she's super private, she doesn't like the attention. And it's giving her a headache at work, rumors around me. I don't want to make things more complicated for her, but I did promise I'd be on my best behavior. We could act like friends, appear as friends, anywhere public. She still wasn't about it and it fucking sucks, I really wanted her here."

"I'm sorry, bub," she rubbed my arm, brushing her fingers over my bicep. I shrugged, attempting to appear more unfazed than I actually was - though I could feel my walls dropping with her comforting presence. "I get it, but I'm sure she doesn't mean to hurt you. She's been in the spotlight her whole life, it's honestly a good thing she doesn't like it. You'd question her intentions otherwise."

"That's fair," I hummed. "I just wish we could just be, you know? I'm in so much trouble, Anna. I know it's not only been a couple months, but this one has a hold on me. I don't know, I have a good feeling. I just need to crack her."

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