Back On Track WITH HACKS!

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Okay, so I know that it's hard to find good and cheap and random stuff that you can wear as a goth. WELL, I found it hard to discover these hacks! I came up with a few that could help you guys!

Let's start.


If you have an old pair of clean black socks then this should work for you as well! All you have to do is cut the toes out for those sleeves for both toe socks, nee socks, and normal socks.But if you want the finger socks, then cut slits in the toes. For your thumbs to be out then cut the toes off then go to the heal of the sock and cut a slit. It's really easy to do and for more combos ask me or experiment for yourself!


Black pair of black leggings you never wear anymore? Then cut the waist band straight down the middle but not too far. I make it only far enough for me to wear without it making me unconformable. As far as I know, it works for both summer and winter type sort of leggings. I think it takes some time to make just because you want it to fit and stuff. I prefer to use the summer type leggings, they are more stretchy and will fit your shoulders and back easier and high wasted leggings are recommended for this project.


This takes time and is a little harder unless you can sew or something. I have this really long skirt and it was too long on me, but I found it can work as a short dress and now it looks even better then before! But be careful because I had to wear it while I was making it so please be careful if you are going to do the same. First, I pulled the skirt up to my arm pits, where a normal strapless dress would go. Then, I grabed the fabric and pulled it over it's self until it was tight enough that it wouldn't slip off but wouldn't kill me. Finally I took a big, thick safety pin and pinned that cloth and just for fun, I put more safety pins around that. To top it off I put on a shrug and a black belt tight around my waist. I thought it was super cute and it was pretty fancy. I'm short and that skirt was really long on me so the length was perfect, so depending, you might need to add a strip of black cloth or something at the bottom.


Take chap stick and put on enough to have plenty of shine, like your favorite lipstick. Then take eye shadow and dab it onto your lips with the chap stick on. But it will come easy, so take that stuff with you. If you have anything that can keep it on your lips longer, use that too! But if you have time and not in a rush, you can make lipstick out of crayons and maybe a few other things. The video that I have included in this, I found it really helpful. I just ignored all the mainstreamness withing the video. I'm weird don't judge, I'm trying to help. XD

~That is all the hacks I have right now BUT I will find more and I will keep being weird and bored enough to make and find more to upload to you guys! Sorry for boring you with the Goth History AND this slow update! PLEASE comment what you think i should write about next. Have a wonderful week, my lovlies.~

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