Cast Away

949 52 7

I saw you roll down your sleeves when I walked past you on the street
It seems to me that we were meant to meet
I know what you feel
I recognize your symptoms
I have the same illness
It's a common disease
Will you open your ears
And hear me out, please?
Cast away your blades
Throw them into the river
It breaks my heart
When you hurt yourself with these razors
I know I'm just a stranger
But my words are true
They may not mean much to others
But I know they mean eveything to me and you
And you can't see the danger
In doing this to yourself
After so long you'll be caught in this tide
It will pull your down
You'll keep fighting until you drown
It'd really be a shame if the world won
You're such a wonderful person
Your soul shines like the sun
Please don't give up on life
Please keep fighting until you've won
Don't do it for me, do it for you
'Cause I would break if you left
If only you knew
You're worth so much
Don't listen to the whispers of the shadows
You can get comfortable in their arms
So don't let them hold you
Their comfort is fake
They just want your soul
They'll slip you a poison
Cut a hole in your hull
Your ship will start sinking
And once it's all over, you'll ask, what was I thinking?
Cast away your blades
Throw them into the river
It breaks my heart
When you hurt yourself with these razors
At first you won't want to
They've grown to be a part of you
But you can break the hold, cut the cord, sever the ties, break the mold
You are not the same
So stand up tall
And scream your name
Cast away these blades and end your pain


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