The Hogwarts Express

Start from the beginning

"Back in a sec love" Y/N said to Hermione, pecking her lips as he exited the compartment and closed the door. He returned a few minutes later and winked at Harry.

You're in mate. She thinks you're cute.

Harry looked at him wide eyed and blushed.


Another hour passed. Lavender and Hermione were having a good natter. So were Ron and Harry. Y/N had pulled a book from his pouch and was reading.

Lavender looked at it briefly before doing a double take.

"Y/N what book is that?"

" The Necronomicon" he answered, still reading.

"Necro- What?" Lavender asked puzzled. It caught the attention of Harry and Ron as well. Hermione's face appeared saddened.

"The Book of the Laws of the Dead" Y/N answered again, sounding disinterested in conversation.

"What is it covered in?" Harry asked. The book appeared... peculiar.

"Human skin" Y/N answered, still without looking up but turning a page.

Ron reached out to touch it before he was magically thrust back into his seat.

"Don't touch Ron. It's cursed. It corrupts mortals" Y/N answered, finally looking up to make fierce eye contact with the redhead.

"Then why are you?" Ron asked in confusion.

Y/N sighed loudly cutting Ron off before speaking:

"My Occlumency and Aspidakinesis shields are strong enough to resist the curses' dark nature. And before you ask it's important I read it. Personal reasons."

"Where on earth did you get it Y/N?" Lavender asked  genuinely concerned for her friend.

"From The King of Hell, and it's in Sumerian" Hermione answered, rubbing Y/N's arm.

"You can read Sumerian?" Ron asked.

"When I'm not disturbed by annoying questions" Y/N answered, turning another page, not looking up.

"When I'm not disturbed by annoying questions" Y/N answered, turning another page, not looking up

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After another hour Y/N got to the end of the book and sighed, closing it and placing it in his pouch.

"No luck baby?" Hermione asked sadly. She hated him being involved in such darkness. She understood, but she hated it.

"Well I have all the knowledge to be a necromancer now. I know how to use splanchnomancy for divination...."

He saw the confused looks he was getting from the others and explained calmly:

"Using the entrails of a dying man."

For You I Will #4- The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now