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Meanwhile Back At Fairytail

"The guild seems rather quiet i suppose that apology will get done any minute now" Master Makarov says taking a sip of beer. "Hello master enjoying your drink"? Asks Mira with a smile. "Uh yes can you call over Natsu and y/n I wanna see what they wrote so far" he says clearing his throat. "Oh didn't you know master fairytails strongest team left for another mission not too long ago" She says innocently while the color drains from Makarov's face as he falls over with drink in hand. "Oh my" she says with a smile but looks up to see Max and Warren walk over handing over a sealed envelope. He snaps out of it quickly grabbing the paper. "Hm what's that" she asks. "A test" answers Warren. "After what happened with Lucy and Michelle we should always be cautions," adds Max winking.
        "I don't understand" Mira says looking concerned. Makarov let's out a sigh. "You see when y/n showed up out of no where claiming to be Natsu's sister everyone was surprised, no one would have believed it till Natsu said it was true, although she shares traits with natsu like having some what of pink hair we all had to know for sure" Warren begins to answer. "But that's-" she couldn't make out anywords. "The day that child proved to Natsu she was his long lost sibling, she used a lost magic spell that allowed her to share her memories with him, though we don't know what she showed him exactly, after the Infinity clock incident im afraid we can't be too careful" he looks at the ground.
       "I tried researching seeing what I could dig up but her name never did pop up except for names like 'The Siren', 'Star of the Sea', or 'Ocean Goddess' " continues Warren. "But now we know why the time seems off when she admitted to losing her memory it adds up but just to be safe I pulled a strand of y/n's and Natsu's hair and took them to a wizzard who was able to see if the strands are compatible with eachother, the answers are on that paper" Grins Max pointing to the envelope. "Wait a minute Master do you understand the betrayal Natsu would feel if he found out about this. Especially y/n who thinks everyone here including you has already accepted her?!" Mira says getting angry. "Yes but it's because of Natsu i did this", he opens the envelope pulling out the paper inside it. The tension in the air grows heavy in anticipation.
          "The strands are almost identical"! He says as Mira lets out a smile with Warren and max. "I guess we can all rest easy now huh master" says Max. 'That hotie is really related to Natsu' Thinks Warren outloud. "Dude we can hear you" says Max. As they walk away and Mira jumps in happiness, Makarov closes is eyes and smiles at the ground in relief. 'To think I ever doubted one of my children'.

At the same time

"Huh?!", I hear half my teammates say. While he walks towards me I back up a bit. "Been a while since I met you" I say giving him a soft smile. "I didn't know you were in Fairytail it would have been easier to find you if I knew" he says smiling back. "I just joined not to long ago actually" I respond giving an awkward smile, "wait you were looking for me" I look back at him steping foward to where i was before as he's taken back after realizing what he said. "W-well y-yea I didn't get your name back then I just wanted to know that's all" he says quickly waving his hands. "Oh" is all I let out. Thankfully before a awkward silence breaks out a lady with two buns in her hair with a man with black hair cut in.
      "Hi nice to meet you im Minerva I heard about you from Sting" she says shaking my hand. "I too heard about you its a pleasure im Rouge" says the man grabbing my other hand. 'So his name is Sting' I look over to see him smack his forehead as I let out a giggle. They let go and walk over to Natsu and the others. "So Natsu is it true that you have a sister where is she" asks Rouge looking around. "Guess news travels fast in firore" comments Carla. "What are you talking about you just met her" he says pointing to me as they freeze in shock. I give them a smile but I hear Sting speak up joining the conversation, "You're Natsu's sister?"
          "Yea", I let out a grin as the shock in there faces grow. "I don't understand" asks Minerva. "It's a long story" Lucy says exhausted. While others join I meet two more members Rufus & Orga all excited seeing Natsu but just as confused when learning the news. As we settle in they gather around my brother while he begins to dramatically tell the story with Happy helping him out. I roll my eyes playfully about him adding things that aren't true while the others believe every minute of it till I leave to walk around. 'Does everyone know Natsu' Lost in thought someone taps my shoulder as I turn to see him. "So, your name is Sting" I say in a smug face while he smiles. "Yea and I want to know your name, Natsu's long lost sister" I look over to see Lucy hit natsu on the head. "That's not true at all" she comments keeping him in check.
        "Ow that hurt lucy" he complains.
'There so loud' I look back at Sting looking down at me to hear my answer. "My name's-", "Hey y/n don't wonder off" I turn to see Gray cutting in. "You should be with your guild" I look up at him as he stands behind me but he's not looking at me. He makes eye contact with Sting while sting holds his smile i feel a tension grow in the air. "Huh" I'm so confused till thankfully I hear footsteps running in, "Lucy i heard you we're here" says a girl rushing past us embracing Lucy breaking the small silence.  Ignoring what's happening infront of me i turn to look at a white haired girl releasing Lucy from a hug.               
       "Yukino it's been a while" says Lucy in a chipper. I begin to walk towards them while sting and gray stay in the same place as before still keeping that eye contact. "Whats going on over there" notices Erza while the others turn at her words to see gray and sting. "Hey don't go picking a fight gray" says Lucy quickly. As the members from sabertooth smile in embarrassment they understand the situation. I turn back around to see what they're talking about when I do wings pop up infront of me, "How's it going!", I'm startled as I step back losing my balance, "It's a talking cat!" I realize I'm about to hit the ground falling back I feel someone catch me just in time.
     I turn. "Sting?", "You ok" he says helping me up as I stand he still holding my back. Gray who was close but wasn't fast enough stands behind you guys as he grips his hands pulling them back to his sides walking away. 'What am I doing'. The others are watching while Lucy, Wendy, and Carla swoon and Rouge and Minerva high five. "So your names y/n" i chuckle at his tease. As everyone watches from a distance, "That was dramatic", "I think so too" says the cats still in the same place. I turn to look at them. "Lector don't scare people like that" Sting says still somewhat holding me. "I'm not scary am i" he says embarrassed I smile. "No your not... and thanks for the save Sting it was a good catch" I smile at Lector before turning to Sting again and giving him a smile as well I don't notice his blush as he smiles back.      
      Suddenly I see him being socked away. "Hands off"! I see natsu infront of me while sting goes flying. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING" I hear Lucy stomping towards us. "He was touching her for too long" he answers as I laugh embarrassed. The Sabertooth's members look pale. "You ruined what was a touching moment"! She says getting in his face as he steps back. "Huh what are you talking about" he looks at her confused. "Argh" she slaps her forehead. "That was some punch Natsu ill be feeling that tomorrow" Sting says coming back and natsu crosses his hands. "Stop it!" Lucy smacks him this time. While everyone laughs awkwardly. Gray smiles to the ground happy natsu stepped in.
       "Sorry I was startled earlier it's nice to meet you Lector" I say walking over to a brown cat in a vest. He let's out a small blush, "You're really pretty just as sting sa-" he says looking up me but before he could finish Sting grabs him covering his mouth shaking him embarrassed. With a cat in a pink frog suit agrees with him. "I think so too you are really pretty ms". My eyes widen at the compliment as I let out a smile. "Thank you and what's your name" I look at him. "I'm frosch" he says lifting a paw. "Aw you're so cute", I say grabing him. "Dont tell me she wants to take him away from me"! Rouge lets out a cry stepping toward you guys. "Hey frosch is mine" he shakes in jealousy, "Oh sorry about that" I hand him over quickly giving him a apologetic smile. "Don't worry i won't take him I alr have a buddy of my own" I then crack. 'I totally forgot about him' "Rio?......RIO WHERE ARE YOU"
     I look around. "Have you guys seen Rio" I walk over to Wendy and Carla frantically. "No we haven't oh no is he lost" Wendy sounds concerned *sniff* I catch his smell turning around i see him sleeping on top of Erza's luggage. I'm annoyed, "You lazy cat!" I shoot water at him soaking him "AH"  he falls waking up. "Can't you see I was sleeping!" he flies over screaming in my face, "Can't you hear I was calling you!", "oh were you" he says sarcastically turning away leaving me angry. Sting and Rouge walk up towards you "You have a cat too?" Asks Sting. "Tell us what magic do you use" Rouge adds. Natsu runs up "You guys are gonna love this, She's a dragon slayer just like us".
     Their eyes widen at the news. 'Wait us' "I don't believe it" says Rouge. "Y/n is it true" Sting looks at me shocked. "Yea I'm the water dragon slayer", I look at them to see there reactions. "Thats so cool I never thought there was a water dragon slayer" he says stepping towards me. "Neither did I this is more surprising then finding out shes actually your sister" Rouge finally accepts it. "Yes it was a shock to us as well though we accepted it she's now part of our family in Fairytail" says Erza joining in. Everyone grows a smile. "Speaking of Fairytail I don't mind you guys coming to visit but what brings you guys here" he asks. "We came for a job" Natsu answers. "Yea but those jerks didn't wanna see us till tomorrow morning" I added taking a seat near Wendy.
     "I totally forgot about that we better go check into a hotel now, see if they have spare rooms" Lucy says walking over. "I doubt they have any rooms at all considering today's festival" says Orga. "Festival?" Wendy asks. "Yea the town decided to throw a festival tonight word got out so I doubt there be any rooms for you guys in any of the hotels" says Lector flying over. "Hello Lector" says Carla. As all the cats fly up to have there own little discussions I see Happy introducing Rio, I smile at his shyness.
       "Are you serious are we gonna have to sleep outside" Lucy scrambles as she whines. "What no the guild hall has plenty of room Rufus show them to the guest rooms please" Sting says signaling him as he agrees. "Follow me if you please" we all walk down a hall way where we enter a room with 4 beds in each corner. "You ladies may stay in here" he says extending his arm. "Oh wow so nice" says Wendy jumping "what a comfy room" Carla comments as Lucy scrambles  around. "Thank you for your hospitality" says Erza before the door closes. While on the other side of the guild "You guys can stay in here" Sting and Rouge open a room with natsu and gray walking in. "So cool" says Rio flying in with Hapoy following him. "You guys can settle in well be in the hall if you need us" Sting gives a smile before closing the door.
          Gray still glares at the door after laying on the bed. "Whats with the angry face" Natsu confronts him. He ignores him, "None of your business".
"Whats with the attitude mr grumpy pants!" He stomps angrily towards him. Few moments later someone knocks on their door. "Hey guys im coming in" Lucy says opening the door.

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