"No, before–" Hawks paused, as though he suddenly remembered something. "Oh right, you alter your memories."

Hawks still don't quite fully know how your quirk works, even before, he still had quite a hard time understanding it for its complexity. Do you alter memories altogether or do you alter memories of a certain person so some of the memories may still be intact but without that particular person, in which case did you completely alter the memories you have of Hawks and everything that includes him?

He wanted to know the answers, so bad. But he can't ask you everything all at once, he knows he has to do it slowly, one step at a time. So for now, he thought, he should enjoy dinner with you for the first time in a long while.

"But I'll tell you this," Hawks started again just when you were about to start eating. "I really didn't have a preference for any chicken food, until I had your deep fried chicken cutlet. Since then it has been my favorite chicken food."

"Sure," you said dismissively and Hawks finally decided to stop talking for now.

He didn't say how your cooking still tastes the same, like the first time he had it. He didn't say it would be nice to have the twins have these cutlets as well, since they love chicken like him. He didn't say anything but you somehow knew he had been thinking about those things, judging by the idiotic but somewhat cute smile of his while he's eating, a smile that you couldn't help but quite not dislike.

The chicken wings were delicious, since they were from a famous restaurant. You almost blurted out that you haven't had their chicken wings and was actually thinking about trying their best-selling tebasaki. But Hawks didn't seem to enjoy them as much as he did your cooking, and he made sure to show it with his expression.

Once dinner ended, you decided to bring it up. You cut straight to the chase, not bothering to say it in a roundabout way.

"Hawks, what's your real name?"

He stopped, and for a few seconds he didn't answer. Until he looked at you. "Was that the question you wanted to ask me so you agreed to have dinner?"


"Before I tell you my real name, can I ask why you want to know?"

Now it's your turn to fall silent, for a few seconds. Before you decide to answer, telling him nothing but the truth. "Because I think I might know your real name."

"You know my real name," he said. "It's something that I've kept secret for a long time. The Commission made me keep it a secret because my real name, my father's name, didn't exactly have a pleasant history."

You also remembered, when you were in the powder room earlier that morning, when your head was throbbing like hell and you were hearing faint voices of a man, you thought you heard the voice say something about it hating its last name.

"And only a handful of people know my real name, most of them being the higher-ups in the Commission, and my wife."

You, he thought but didn't say it aloud, one because seeing your expression is enough for Hawks to know that you're thinking the same thing too.

"What is it? Your name," you asked, your voice low and almost a whisper.

Hawks scooted closer to you, as if he's about to share his deepest secret. He looked you straight in the eye, as if it's enough to tell you that what you think is right.

"If I tell you my real name and it's the same as what you think it was, are you going to believe that you're my wife and that you altered your memories of me?"

It took you a few moments to answer, you didn't say anything but your nod was enough for Hawks that he let out a sigh in relief.

"It's Takami Keigo,"

You felt your heart gave an unusual leap, it wasn't the kind you get from excitement, or from fear. You were simply surprised, so much that you let out a gasp and you let his words sink in your mind. You were right, it was his real name. And no one knows his real name except for the higher-ups in the Commission and his wife. Unless you used to work in the Commission, but that was more far-fetched than him saying that you're his wife.

"So, do you believe me now?" Hawks asked and you tore your eyes from the floor to look back at him.

You cleared your thoughts in your head, until there were three questions left for you to ask. And with a deep breath you finally spoke.

"Can I...ask you three more questions?" you asked, voice barely above a whisper but Hawks heard and he nodded.

"I told you, you can ask me anything." If it means you're finally starting to believe him.

"One, why did I have to alter my memories of you? Two, why didn't you look for me for the last five years? And lastly," you trailed off, closing your eyes as you started to feel your head throbbing. The last question isn't exactly a question but a favor. "Lastly, can you...show me proof that we're married?"

"The proof," Hawks said, and somehow his voice sounded as though he's smiling and when you looked back at him he was indeed smiling, albeit faintly. "The proof is back in my place, waiting for us to come home."

"What?" you asked.

"The twins, they're the proof."

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