Plane Crash and Changes in Adventure Bay

Start from the beginning

"I am not sure it would be such a bad thing if we get a new mayor" Rocky said, "me either and bringing more life into adventure bay would mean we get more work right?" Zuma said. "If the new mayor lets us work" Chase said. "What do you mean?" Skye asked, "Well if he shuts the patrol down then we won't get to work right?" Chase said. "Can he do that?" Rubble asked, "I don't know I guess we will have to wait and see if he even wins" Chase said. It has been 2 weeks since the plane crash and Ryder still showed no signs of waking up. Ahri did see brain activity so she wanted to remain hopeful as she knew he was in there. The election was over and Mayor Gonzalez did win he never said anything about shutting the paw patrol down. He was also building and new building in Adventure Bay and everyone was curious as to what it was but he was keeping it a secret until it was built. 

After 4 weeks the pups were still waiting for Ryder to wake up and they all decided to go outside and get some air as they needed it. Katie stayed behind she couldn't bring herself to leave, Ryder opened his eyes and saw Katie he squeezed her hand and she looked at him. "Oh my god" Katie said as she went to call the pups, Ryder grabbed her and shook his head. "Ryder they miss you" Katie said, Ryder pointed to the breathing tube and Katie unhooked it and pulled it out. Ryder coughed and Katie gave him some water. "Please don't call them" Ryder said hoarsely as his throat was dry. "Why?" Katie asked, "I am not ready to face them Katie, I was horrible to them. I remember everything and I know now that I never actually killed them. But I know how I treated them after I came back. The things I said especially to Chase I just I am not ready" Ryder said. "Well I won't call them but they have all been watching you like a hawk, and they are just happy you are alive. I can honestly tell you they are not angry or anything and just want to know you are okay." Katie said. "I am not okay Katie, like I told you I remember everything, and I am honestly surprised you are talking to me" Ryder said. "Ryder please I know that you were not yourself, but I am curious what changed? You left the message and then you called Chase scared" Katie said. "I don't know when I was in the air something switched in my brain and I instantly knew that I was being an idiot. Katie a lot happened to me some of it I am not ready to talk about. I can tell you that I am not the same Ryder that you used to know" Ryder said. "You are at least back to normal" Katie said giving him a kiss and catching him off guard. "Sorry" she blushed, "it is okay" Ryder said as he blushed a bit to. 

"The pups are going to come back soon and I won't be able to stop them" Katie said, "I know, Katie can you help me to the bathroom then send Chase in, I need to talk to him first before the others" Ryder said, Katie nodded as she helped Ryder to the bathroom and waited to make sure he was okay. Ryder looked in the mirror and he desperately needed a shower but it was going to have to wait for now. Ryder needed to talk to Chase and he was nervous because he knew what he had said. Katie told the pups Ryder was awake and they instantly wanted to go see him, "Wait, Ryder is hurting pups he said he remembers everything he did and said to you, he said he is not ready to face you all just yet. He also told me he wants to talk to you alone Chase" Katie said. Chase wagged his tail he was excited as he walked into the medical room where Ryder was waiting, Chase jumped up beside him. Chase was ready to pounce on him but Ryder held up his hand, Chase backed off now he was nervous. "I have a few things to say first" Ryder said, Chase nodded as he waited for Ryder to continue, "Chase I know that I hurt you most of all, when I was trapped in that room I did things I am not proud of. I know now that everything I did was not real but at the time it was for me. I lost myself in there and I wasn't sure if I would ever get out, I was told to play games and choose pups to kill or put in dangerous situations. I know it wasn't real but for me it was Chase. I put you in the most danger as I felt you were the strongest, I was wrong and I am sorry. I also remember everything I said to you and I know I can't take them back. I might be your leader again but I am not the same person I once was Chase. Something changed inside me and I am not sure if I will ever be the same" Ryder said, Chase waited a few seconds as he wasn't sure if Ryder was done, he noticed Ryder was crying and he tackled him in a hug. Ryder returned it and he honestly missed it, Chase licked his face and said "Ryder sir, first I don't care about the things you said, I know that deep down you would come back to me. I am so glad that you are alive and so are the other pups. I am sorry for everything that happened to you and I wish I could take away all your pain. Ryder sir we are family and we will do everything we can to make you you again" Chase said. "Thanks Chase" Ryder said as he hugged him extra tight. Ryder let go of Chase and pressed his pup tag and said, "you can all come in now" it didn't take long before Ryder was covered in balls of fluff as each pup hugged him and licked him.

Ryder laughed as he was covered in drool but he loved it, "I am so sorry for everything pups, I am not ready to talk about what happened and I will need time to deal with it. I just want to tell you that I love you all and I hope you all can forgive me" Ryder said. "We were never mad at you so there is nothing to forgive" Rubble said, "yeah and we all love you too" Marshall said for everyone. "Okay but now I am going to get serious, Ryder please lay back in bed and let me check you over." Ahri said. "Okay" Ryder said as he let his medical pup take over and she was satisfied. "Okay you rest here one more night and then you can go back to your room" Ahri said. "Thanks Ahri" Ryder said as he looked to Katie. "Oh so a lot happened since you crashed the plane and we have a new mayor. There will be a big announcement tomorrow that involves us" Katie said. "What a new mayor?" Ryder said. "Yup and he has actually done a lot for Adventure Bay. I will see you tomorrow" Katie said as she kissed him and left.

What will the announcement from the new Mayor be? Will Ryder ever recover and be able to move past his trauma? Find out soon!

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