Time is ticking

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Chase paced his cage he was angry and there was literally no way out, "Can anyone escape?" Chase asked. "No how are we supposed to do that?" Zuma said, "I don't know we can't let this guy hurt Ryder!" Chase said. "He is more likely going to hurt us, we are the ones suspended over a hole that leads to nowhere" Marshall said. "Didn't you hear what he said? His intention is to hurt Ryder" Chase said. "Yes Chase by hurting us, we all heard maybe you didn't because you are stuck on the fact that this will hurt Ryder" Rocky yelled at him. "Stop fighting that isn't going to solve anything" Ahri said. "She is right you know we should be figuring out a way out" Skye said. "Well news flash Skye there is no way out!" Chase yelled then he realized who he yelled at. "Chase stop yelling at everyone!" Skye scolded him, "Sorry love" Chase said as he tried to think of a plan he needed something.

Ryder was crippled he knew he needed to figure this out but he was numb and couldn't move, "I know there is a limited amount of time but is Ryder okay?" Brooke asked. "Ryder I know you are hurting but we can't do this without you. You are the leader of the paw patrol think about what needs to be done and we will be with you" Katie said. Ryder looked at Katie then said "Okay, Katie, Brooke you search Adventure Bay, Lucas and I will search Foggy Bottom" Ryder said as he gave Katie the keys to his ATV. "Wait what are you driving?" Katie asked, "This" Ryder said as he drove out in his new car that was equipped with a lot of new features. "WOW" Katie said, "Oh and Katie don't crash my ATV!" Ryder said as he and Lucas took off, "this car is sick dude" Lucas said, "thanks" Ryder said. They drove to Foggy Bottom so fast and Ryder needed to figure out where he was supposed to look. "Now what?" Lucas asked, "I don't know, if I knew who was doing this it would be easier" Ryder said. Katie and Brooke searched and asked everyone they saw, "Mayor Gonzalez, we are looking for the pups have you seen them?" Katie asked. "No sorry Katie, I do hope you find them though" Mayor Gonzalez said, he seemed very busy so they didn't linger long. 

Ryder's pup pad rang and he answered it, "Ryder here" the distorted voice said, "You are looking in all the wrong places Ryder. I thought you would have learnt something but I guess you aren't as smart as you seem to be" "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Ryder yelled, "I am doing it because I can, and I believe that someone like you deserves nothing as you are worthless" the voice said before he hung up. Ryder punched the steering wheel, "well that is not helpful, and Ryder you are not worthless don't give up" Lucas said. "Lucas I don't know who is doing this or why they are doing this. I don't even know where to look, I can't do this" Ryder said as he broke down. Lucas didn't know what to do he felt awkward and he had no idea how to help the kid sitting next him. "Who are your enemies?" Lucas asked, "I didn't know I had any, then I was kidnapped by someone and he basically made me think I killed my family. Now someone actually has my family and I can't figure out who or where they are" Ryder said with anger he was just making his anxiety and depression worse. "I feel you need to calm down, you are making me feel on edge and that I should be afraid. Do you remember where you were taken?" Lucas asked, "NO and I wish people would stop fucking telling me to calm down!" Ryder screamed. He got out of the car and he was parked in front of the house he met his father in, Ryder stared at it he felt like he had been there before. Ryder walked towards it and opened the door, he stared into the living room of the house. Lucas was worried that he was just breaking into someone's house but then Ryder closed the door and climbed back into the car. "What was that?" Lucas asked, "Nothing, I just felt like I had been there before" Ryder said as he drove he didn't know where he was driving to but he just drove. 

The voice came back and the pups heard, "your leader is failing you pups, he is falling apart which is working to my advantage" the voice said as it laughed. "He will find us, never underestimate him" Zuma said sounding less hopeful then he meant to. "If my plan works, I will destroy the PAW patrol once and for all!" the voice said laughing again and the voice cut out. "Who would want to destroy us?" Rubble asked feeling sad, "I don't know but whoever this is hates Ryder and he is their main target. They know that if we are gone it will be Ryder's downfall and he will not be able to function. They have to know what he was going through when he thought he lost us. Someone in Adventure Bay" Chase said out loud. "Everyone in Adventure Bay is so nice though" Skye said, "or that is what they want us to believe, who do we think could do this? Think of everyone we save it has to be one of them" Chase said. "No I refuse to believe it is anyone from Adventure Bay" Marshall said, "maybe it is Mayor Humdinger?" Rubble suggested. "I don't think so ever since the new Mayor brought people to Adventure Bay Mayor Humdinger has been very quiet. We are also helping Foggy Bottom now so it is growing in fame, this is someone we would least expect" Chase said. "I say it is Danny he is always getting into trouble" Zuma said. "No he is to dumb to be honest, my money is on the princess" Chase said. "No you think?" Rocky said. "Yes her pup hates us for one, and I don't know I never trusted her" Chase said. "She always says we are her favorite though" Ahri said, "yes but maybe that is what she wanted us to believe" Chase said. The pups heard a faint laugh in the background and the voice came back. "It is funny listening to you all debate who I am. I can tell you this you are all wrong very wrong. Ryder is doing the same thing by the way and he is getting closer than you are but he will never win!" as the voice faded away.

Ryder was thinking out loud, "who would do this? someone who sees me a lot and knows that my pups mean everything to me. I can't imagine it is anyone young, so that rules out the kids and teens. Adult wise Mrs. Goodway is ruled out she is my guardian and to nice of a person, the turbots are a possibility but I don't want to suspect them either. Mr. Porter has Alex so it can't be him, Mrs. Marjorie is not going to do something like this either and that leaves Farmer Yumi and farmer Al but why would they do this?" Ryder said. "Are you asking me?" Lucas said as he was confused. "No I am thinking, there has to be someone I am missing. I mean Mayor Humdinger always crossed my mind but he has been very quiet lately, I can't figure this out who wants to hurt me so badly? Wait is Everest missing could it be Jake?" Ryder asked himself. Ryder called Jake and he answered, "Hey Ryder", "Jake is Everest with you?" Ryder asked, "No dude she should be with you, is she not? Did something happen to her?" Jake asked. "Yes all of them have been taken by someone and I have now 19 hours to find then or they are all killed. Jake I don't know who did this!" Ryder said. "Why would someone do this? I am coming to the lookout" Jake said. "I am not there but Katie might me" Ryder said as he hung up. "That ruled out Jake, but who am I missing?" Ryder asked himself out loud. "There is always the new mayor?" Lucas suggested. "Nah he doesn't know me well enough, it is someone that I know or that knows me" Ryder said. "Why can't it be any of the kids?" Lucas asked, "I just can't imagine my pups allowing a child to kidnap them, I haven't ruled them out yet though I just need more time, 24 hours is not long enough." Ryder said, "Plus we have school tomorrow" Lucas said, "School is not worth it, I can't worry about school!" Ryder said as he drove back to the lookout getting no where driving around. Katie and Brooke were there along with Jake, "did you find anything?" Ryder asked. "Nope and no one seems to know anything" Katie said, "someone is lying there has to be something" Ryder said as he watched the video cameras, the pups returned from their mission and were playing in the yard. Then the camera malfunctioned and when it came back online the pups were gone. "It has to be someone who knows something about my cameras as well, maybe it is mayor humdinger or his nephew. UGH this is so frustrating" Ryder said. "Is he talking to us?" Brooke asked, "No he is trying to work this out" Katie said knowing Ryder's mind was racing, Katie knew Ryder needed to take his medicine.

"Ryder you need to take your pill" Katie said, "No now is not the time for that Katie, don't you get it I only have 17 hours left! I can't be sleeping when my pups are going to die!" Ryder said. "You also need to keep yourself healthy" Katie said back to him, Ryder left the lookout and drove off in his car he needed to go pay a visit to the Mayor of Foggy Bottom. "Dammit Ryder!" Katie said as she had no idea where he was going. Ryder arrived that the Mayor's lair and knocked on the door, Mayor Humdinger answered, "Ryder what brings you by?" he asked, "My pups are missing I need to know if you have anything to do with it" Ryder said a bit angry. "I haven't done anything since the new Mayor and I made a deal, I didn't take your pups" Mayor Humdinger said, Ryder believed him, "Do you think Harold did?" Ryder asked, "I haven't heard from Harold in months so I don't know" Mayor Humdinger said, "If you could find out for me please it is very important" Ryder said. "I will try but it is late Ryder go home" Mayor Humdinger said as he closed the door. Ryder was running out of options and also he was running out of time, did he want to rule out those in Barkingburg or could it be Carlos he knew Tracker wasn't missing. Then he started thinking about all the other villains, the copycat, the ladybird, the cheetah the duke of flappington, Sid and Arrby, and the ruff ruff pack. Ryder didn't know if any of them were behind it but the duke of flappington was high on his list. Ryder realized he didn't have the air patroller either as he didn't rebuild it yet and he wasn't sure if he would have taken them that far. Ryder pulled over his car and cried he was starting to get overwhelmed he knew his PTSD was taking over and he felt worthless. He was starting to lose faith and he wasn't sure what to do, and he was running out of time.

"It could be the duke!" Skye said, "It could be anyone this is dumb, we are not getting anywhere by thinking of who it could be" Rocky said with an angry tone. "Rocky dude calm down" Zuma told his mate, "No I can't just sit here and argue about who took us, we need to figure out a way out!" Rocky said. "Does anyone have their pup packs?" Everest asked, "No don't you think we would have used them if we did" Rocky yelled at her. "Rocky stop yelling at everyone, that isn't helping anyone either" Marshall yelled back at him. "This frustrating" Rubble said, Skye was looking that the bars, "I might be able to squeeze through these bars" Skye said, "then what fall to your death? Please don't Skye" Chase said, "No climb out through the top and see if I can find a way out maybe find Ryder" Skye said. "I would rather you not risk it" Chase said. "Let her try it is literally the only plan we have!" Rocky said. "Just don't get stuck Skye" Ahri said concerned for her friend.

Time is ticking! have you figured out the villain yet? They will be revealed in the next chapter! Will Skye get out? Will Ryder find his pups or break down in the process!

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