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'fuck right off',

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'fuck right off',

I said to myself throwing my phone onto my bed, I heard Bryce walk towards me,

'you okay baby?',

Bryce asked me walking in my bedroom, I let out a slight breath,

'it's nothing bub don't worry',

I said trying to get him to entirely drop the conversation, he looked at me suspiciously,

'baby you know you're an awful liar',

Bryce said sitting down next to me, I smiled at him softly,

'I know it is one of my best qualities',

I said, I laid down my head resting onto his lap,

'I'm going to tell you this now before you see it on your phone; someone who shall not be named just posted a video saying that I look like I fuck like a porn star',

I said to Bryce quite grossened out by what was said. I felt Bryce tense up quite a bit,

'I'm going to fucking kill him'.

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