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I heard Bryce yell; he sounded extremely angry. I quickly made my way towards the here i thought I heard Bryce yell from,

'you okay Bryce?',

I asked him extremely concerned, he was somewhat pacing around the kitchen. Bryce shook his head at me,

'y/n you really need to start explaining what you were doing last night because I am being sent random photos and videos of you with people last night and too be honest you look extremely close with them and I am extremely close to loosing my shit';

Bryce said, I looked at him confused,

'Bryce they are old friends from high school; why on earth would you ever think that I would cheat on you?!',

I yelled back at him, Bryce rolled his eyes at me,

'maybe to get back at me for anything I did to upset or piss you off!',

Bryce yelled, I shook my head at him,

'Bryce would you please stop being so insecure about being a boyfriend?! You have not done anything wrong and if you did I would communicate it to you; I wouldn't go out there and cheat on you, I love you you big dummy!'.

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