f e a r

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'y/n I have a surprise for you!',

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

'y/n I have a surprise for you!',

I heard Bryce yell as he I walked into our house, I looked at Josh slightly concerned,

'this is the first I'm hearing of it',

Josh said to me, I let out a slight breath and Josh quickly grabbed my hand,

'Bryce what is going on?',

I asked him beginning to get quite concerned again, Bryce began to smile at me,

'I need you to put this blindfold on for me',

Bryce said to me, I raised my eyebrows at him,

'absolutely not',

I said in response, he laughed slightly before I quickly took it from him and put it on,

'Josh please make sure he doesn't walk me into a death trap',

I said, he touched my shoulders to let me know he was there. Bryce grabbed my arm pulling me behind him. We came to stop,

'bryce don't you think this is a little far',

I heard Josh say, Bryce didn't respond,

'y/n I'm going to take you're blindfold off okay',

Bryce said quickly taking the blindfold off, I looked out and saw the thing I was most afraid of. My breath quickly hitched, my breathing quickened and I was slightly frozen and I turned around, Josh saw that I was panicked and quickly wrapped his arms around me pulling me out of the room,

'bryce get that and yourself out of here!'.

tik tok imagines 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang