i n t e r r o g a t e

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this is hot for no reason

'Josh do you want to introduce who you have there with you and what your exact relationship with her is?',

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'Josh do you want to introduce who you have there with you and what your exact relationship with her is?',

Dave asked as we filmed an episode for Josh's podcast, I tried to hide my laugh. Josh shook his head and began to smile,

'this is my good friend y/n',

Josh said, I smiled at him somewhat amused, Dave shook his head,

'that's not the truth',

Dave said in response to Josh, I laughed slightly,

'what's that response for y/n?',

Dave asked me, I nodded my head at him

'it's actually the truth',

I said to them, even Josh looked at me confused,

'can you explain that one to me?',

Josh asked, I laughed slightly,

'You never actually like asked me to be your girlfriend so technically it is the truth',

I said, Josh looked at me shocked,

'you're fucking joking me right?',

Josh asked, I nodded my head,

'sorry Josh but can we get back to us interrogating her and not you?',

Bri asked, Josh nodded his head,

'yes but know that next week I'll be telling y'all about the epic way I ask y/n out'.

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