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i still don't get this pose

i still don't get this pose

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

'for fucks sake',

I said as Blake and I began to pull into my driveway, he looked at me confused before seeing the large number of fans that were standing in my driveway,

'I can't even get into the garage',

I said stopping, Blake shook his head,

'I don't know what to do',

I said looking over at him, Blake was incredibly tensed up,

'it's fine I'll handle it',

Blake said before climbing out of my car, I was incredibly confused as I saw Blake head towards the fans. They all swarmed around him,

'nobody is getting photos with me! And everybody needs to back up!',

Blake yelled extremely angry, I could still see people trying to get photos,

'you are all standing on private property, one call and you are going to be arrested for trespassing! this is completely ridiculous that you guys are even here; you are encroaching on not only my privacy but especially y/n's privacy so please get out of here before I actually call the cops!',

Blake yelled his anger was physically visible, fans quickly backed away from him and left my driveway and gate. Blake quickly got back in the car and opened the front gate, we quickly drove in and shut the gate before any fans could get in. Once we got in my garage I finally let out a breath, Blake put his hand onto mine,

'you okay baby?',

Blake asked me, I nodded my head,

'Blake I should be asking you that, you just had to be rude to your fans which I know you hate doing',

I said in response, Blake smiled at me slightly,

'baby I'm okay, I will yell at anyone for anything to protect you'.

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