Episode 2: Witches before wizards

Start from the beginning

"So worthy."

"You need to know the road is dark and perilous."

Amity said excitedly, "Love peril. Big fan of peril."

"And only the Chosen One can pull the staff from its post."

"Chosen One."

Amity interupted and said, "Big story, awesome. Anyway, your food it gone and we are, too."

Amity hopped off of the chair and began to walk, "Yes, we have to go. And pack for this enchanted quest! I'm in!"


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Amity began, "So, guys, what kind of Chosen One should I be?"

Ember began to question, "What?"

Ember began, "Should I be full of optimism and goodness? Or should I be like a bad girl Chosen One with black nail polish and a mysteriously withdrawn attitude? 'I act like I don't care, but I secretly do.'"

Hunter appeared at the door, his haie having some soot in it. Apparently when Amity attempted a potion just a few minites ago it blew up.

Ember looked at Hunter then said plain out of the blue, "Hunter, tell Amity how dumb wizards are."

Hunter rolled his eyes and lowered his voice a bit, like a mock tone, "Ugh, wizards are the worst! Never trust a man in casual drapery."

Ember began as tears of happiness came out of his eyes as he laughed, "Your wizard told them that she was a Cho-" he burst out laughing and when he settled down, "Chosen One."

"Wait, wait, Amity?" Hunter starts laughing as well.

Ember began between breaths, "He even gave her a map." Soon they stopped laughing.

Hunter snatched the map from Ember, "Let me see that map." Hunter inspected the map. "You didn't think this was real, did you?

Amity looked up, "What?"

"This map is bunk. There's no lake with a Celestial Staff on the Boiling Isles. I would have stolen it ages ago. Ah, don't worry. Couple more months here and you won't look like such a mark." His attempt of comfort helped a bit.

Amity muttered, tears beginning to form, "Can I have some time alone?"

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Ember burst into the living room declearing that Amity was missing. After they, go to the castle and find it in rubble and the town in rubble. The take of towards where Amity would be.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Amity was confident as he said, "Hunter isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap!"

Hunter in return, "Adegast!"

Adegast screamed, "Hunter, I have you now!" Three of Adegast's tentacles grabbed Ember and Hunter.

"Yea that's right, you have me. Now release Amity."

Ember squealed, "I didn't have to be a part of this!"

Adegast said miniacly, "Oh, he can leave if he wants to. But I sense she wants a real fantasy." Adegast sprays something around Amity which makes it fog up around him and some of the puppets swarm around.

Amity muttered not to loudly, "It is beautiful here."

Hunter then shouted, "Amity!"

Amity continued to mutter, "And you guys think I'm special."

Amity stood up, "But it's not real!" She then goes out of the fog and runs to the toy sword. "But I am a Witch's Apprentice. And I'm gonna earn my magic staff the hard way. I believed you, Old Man. Now feel my wrath!"

Amity then stabs one of the puppets which makes Adegast yell out in pain and release Ember and Hunter. They work together to kill different puppets.

"I thought we had a connection, Cloe!" As she stabs the puppet in the abs.

Adegast shouted, "Back off, or the dog gets it!"

Amity was crying, worried for Ember's saftey, "Ember, Hunter, I am so sorry. I should have listened to you and never trusted that wizard. You were right, he isn't mystical or magical. He's just a big, slimy jerk!" She then kicks the sword into Adegast's head, he drops Ember and shrinks.

Hunter walks over to Adegast and picked him up to look at the slimey octopus creature, "Well, that's the last time I take an outside referral." Then continues to eat Adegast. "Mmm. Oh, did you want some of that?"

"No. I'm just confused."

"Thinking of calling it quits, huh?"

Amity finally spoke up, "This place is nothing like I imagined."

"Hmm. Maybe not here. But come with me. I got something to show you."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Hunter stopped Flapjack and said, "Okay, you guys can look."


"The bones of the isles. Up close, the isles can be slimy..."

Ember added cringing, "And very stinky."

Amity looked in awe, "But if you look from a different perspective..."

She spoke slowly and softly, "It's beautiful."

Ember nodded in agreement.

Amity looked up at Hunter then asked, "Hunter, how did you know that wizard was lying?"

Hunter sighed and replied, "Look, kid, everyone wants to believe they're 'chosen'. But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, we'd die waiting. And that's why you need to choose yourself, when I was around your age maybe younger thought I was chosen but I was wrong and that hurt me so much, I don't want that to happen to anyone else."

The Blight took some time to process what Hunter had said then Amity replied, " Oh, so off topic, does that mean you'll give me a magic staff of my own?

Hunter smiled and shook his head saying, "Not yet, but... someday." As the sun began to set.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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