"Well please do, he's been asking and asking about you. I think he's desperate" She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"Clingy, that's not a good sign." I raise my brows and hold the bag up, closing one eye as I use my opened eye to peek for anymore marshmallows hiding.

"Who's Henry? Already got guys begging for your attention?" Duke brings his attention to our conversation and smirks.

"Of course, being me is hard." I make a big deal even though my whole life consisted of school, food, and sleeping.

"I know a someone who gets ha" Duke suddenly gets interrupted.

"I- ow, what the fuck man? Stop hitting me whenever I talk to-" Duke rubs his head as he gets flicked by Heath not once but twice.

"Stop fucking saying shit like that." Heath glares at Duke as he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Right, Im sorry. I forgot about our little chat earlier." Duke smirks, shaking his head lightly.

Heath rolls his eyes before moving away from Duke. Weirdos...

"Okay, guys who wants to try some of my pie? Thalia? Babe?" Lola looks at me and then at Mateo.

I look at Mateo who bites his lip as he scratches his head.
"Uh, Thalia? You wanna give it a try?" He offers me and gives me a look begging me to.

"Me? I would but... Heath said he wants to have the first bite." I point over at Heath who was clueless as to what I just called him out for.

"Oh, okay. I'll serve you a piece then." Lola smiles over at him and gets out of her stool to cut her pie.

"Awesome babe" Mateo smiles and watches her until she's far away from us to hear.

"Guys, don't eat the pie." Mateo leans in whispering to the rest of us.

"And why not?" Duke leans in too, using a whispering tone.

"Because, it's fucking disgusting. I can't even get past the smell." Mateo makes a disgusted face and gags just thinking about it.

"Why haven't you told her then?" I ask, keeping an eye on Lola.

"Because, I don't want to be the one to tell her. You tell her. She won't be as upset if you're the one to say it." Mateo suddenly says.

"No way, I'm too nice for that." I shake my head.

"Duke you do it, she barely knows you." I look over at Duke but he only shakes his head.

"No fucking way. Leave me out of this." He puts his arms up.

"Heaths your guy, he'd tell her without feeling any sympathy. Tell him to do it." Duke said and we all look at Heath.

"No" Heath furrows his brows and I turn my head over to see Lola making her way over here.

"Please Heath? You do it. Please. She's coming." I stop talking when she finally comes back and sets the plate down.

She slides it over to Heath and puts a fork down. Oh my..
I can smell it from here and I already want to gag, but I hold it in.

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